VPEF Announces $40,000 in Grants to Vacaville Schools! Grant Applications open today and close on September 30, 2017
The new school year is here and VPEF is here again for Vacaville teachers and students. In our 14th year supporting Vacaville public education we are proud to announce we are going to be giving out another $40,000 to local classrooms. We are encouraging new projects and campus wide collaboration this year; “mini-grants” will be awarded up to $500 Per Teacher, “Collaborative grants” for entire Campuses $1000 to $5,000 and 1 possible District wide grant up to $10,000 will be available to apply for. Applications are only available to Vacaville Public Teachers, Staff or Principals.
If you are interested in applying see your Vacaville Public School Principal, they were emailed the application today and it can be shared with you.

Do you want to support local schools? Get involved with VPEF! We are 100% non-profit and need your help. We fundraise annually to continue to support our schools through grants like this. Join your neighbors, local businesses and others in Vacaville and make a 100% tax-deductible donation today!
What is the Vacaville Public Education Foundation? We are a local group of volunteers who fundraise for Vacaville Public Schools. You can check us out on the web or Facebook. Help us support Vacaville Schools today by donating, volunteering or becoming a major business sponsor! |