The California Teachers Association supports school programs and clubs that work toward providing safe LGBTQ+ inclusive and gender diverse schools. Estes won the grant for Willis Jepson’s Club Rainbow, which he co-advises with faculty and VTA members Wendy Brasher and Alyson Brauning.
“CTA’s LGBTQ+ Safety in Schools Grant will have a great impact on students at Jepson. Students at our school advocated for a brave and safe space to discuss issues around gender and orientation,” Estes said. “This grant will help Club Rainbow members continue programming that builds fellowship among our school’s LGBTQ+ and allied community.”
CTA funds several grants and scholarships benefiting students, educators, and school sites. Visit CTA’s new website this fall for more information on how to apply for a grant or scholarship: http://www.cta.org/for-educators/scholarships-awards