On April 2, educators across the country are joining together for NEA’s Raise Your Hand Day. This national day of action is aimed at raising public awareness about what our students and schools need to succeed.
As educators gather in states and communities across the country and a group of NEA members meet with members of Congress on Capitol Hill, please show your support by joining in CTA’s virtual campaign to Raise Your Hand for Learning Over Testing.
While we will always give students tests, I’m ready to say goodbye to No Child Left Behind and it’s over emphasis on standardized testing. Testing should inform teaching and learning – not drive instruction.
With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, we have the opportunity to make our voices heard – especially as many of you are in the middle of field-testing the new computer-based Smarter Balanced assessments. In California, thanks to the work of CTA, we are in better shape than most other states.
Working with the Legislature and Governor Brown, we eliminated outdated tests this year, made sure the new assessments are only being field-tested, and suspended the use of student test scores in the state’s accountability system for three years. During this time, our elected leaders will need to hear from us about what is working with the assessments and what is not.
That’s why, on April 2, I’ll be Raising My Hand for Learning Over Testing in California. I’m asking you to help me spread the word – virtually. Here’s how:
- Use and share these sample Facebook posts to spread the word with your colleagues and friends
- Use these sample Tweets to create even more buzz
- Use these Facebook Cover Images – sample 1 | sample 2
- Take a picture of yourself raising your hand and create your own branded Facebook Profile Photo
You can also visit nea.org/raiseyourhand for more tools and resources to help you organize and mobilize to raise your hands and voices for student success.
There are many great success stories going on in our public schools every day. On April 2, let’s all Raise Our Hands for Learning!
-Dean Vogel, CTA president