Hello Everyone,
Below find our link to the Distance Learning Resources page. This page is aimed at supporting parents and will be posted on our websites. Please feel free to distribute this link to parents who may need it.
There is also a link to our Teacher Resource page. That page has been built by our own colleagues who have offered their own time and talent to help design the page and add content links that we believe will be most useful to our teachers without being overwhelming. Please do not feel that you have to start using all the resources included on the site–it is meant as options and support only.
The website build team is accepting kind and constructive feedback and offers of resources directly to me ahyland@vacavilleusd.org . Please use the subject line “Teacher Resources Page – Add/Modify” so that your message does not get lost in my inbox.
VUSD Distance Learning Resources
Thank you for all the hours you are working for all of our students.
Please continue to reach out to Dawn, Aaron, and I with questions and we will continue to do everything we can to connect you with the Ed Tech resources you need.
Thank you, Andrew Hyland