Pictures from the VTA VUSD canidate forum at Will C Wood High School



From the left:Shelly Dally, Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries, David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman and Shawn Windham.


From the left:Shelly Dally, Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries, David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman and Shawn Windham.



From the left:Shelly Dally, Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries, David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero.


From the left: David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman and Shawn Windham.



Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries and David McCallum, participating in the discussion


From the left:  Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman 

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