National Poetry Month in April

The month celebrates poets’ integral role in our culture and that poetry matters. It has become the largest literary celebration in the world, with tens of millions of readers, students, K–12 teachers, librarians, booksellers, literary events curators, publishers, families and — of course — poets marking poetry’s important place in our lives.

Click here for activities, initiatives and resources to join the celebration, including 30 ways to celebrate National Poetry Month in the classroom.

And be sure to get your free copy of the 2023 National Poetry Month poster here (a cropped version above). The poster was designed by Marc Brown, creator of the Arthur book and PBS television series. and incorporates an excerpted line from the poem “Carrying” by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón.

Know Your Legal Rights and Benefits

The California Educator magazine’s Legal Beat column appears in every issue and features essential member information on topics such as CTA’s Group Legal Services (GLS) Program, school layoffs and how to protect yourself, your Weingarten rights (a right to union representation during an investigatory interview), and more.

Look for a column on contract enforcement in the upcoming April/May issue. All columns are written by CTA staff attorneys.

Would you like to become a teacher?

Click here if you’d like to learn more!

March Rep. Council Agenda

  • Approval of the minutes
      1. February Rep Council Meeting Minutes
  • Approval of the agenda  
  • New and Continuing Business
  1. Vote for filling of Tabor’s seat for NEA RA this summer only (Brenda Hensley)
  • President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  • Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley
      1. Budget Vs. Actual 2022/2023 
      2. March Written Report
  • Bargaining Update: Brenda Hensley
  • Grievance Update: Lisa Cusi
  • State Council Report: Ariel Ray and Keri Tafuro
  • Standing Committee/Chair Reports
      1. Equity Team: Tricia Cowen 
      2. Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 
      3. New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris
      4. Labor Council: Corey Penrose 
      5. Action: Corey Penrose
      6. PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
      7. Special Ed: Cynthia Coble 
      8. Membership: Jax Stornetta 
  • Conference reports:
  • Other

Secondary Concerns 

Exec. Board Agenda Feb. 7, 2023 @ 4:00 pm

Exec. Board Agenda

Feb. 7, 2023 @ 4:00 pm

Approval of the minutes

Approval of the agenda

New and continuing business:  

    1. Satisfaction Site Survey (Todd/Dawn)


President’s Report: Todd Blanset

President’s Report

Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley

Treasurer’s Reports

Bargaining: Brenda Hensley

Bargaining Report

Grievance: Lisa Cusi

Committee/Chair Reports

    • Equity Team: Tricia Cowen
    • Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning
    • Labor Council: Corey Penrose
    • Action: Corey Penrose
    • PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
    • Special Ed: Cynthia Coble & Becky Wylie
    • Leave Bank: Christine Williams
    • Membership: Jax Stornetta
    • New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris


Conference reports:


– Adjournment

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