News and Resources for Our Classrooms & Schools

Updated conference reimbursement forms!

Hello folks!

As conference season begins, we wanted to let everyone know what your union will reimburse when you attend a conference.

-Registration Fees for the conference (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*)

-Airfare (or mileage equivalent to economy airfare) for conferences far away (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*)

-Parking at venue and/or airport (if flying)

-Mileage to and from venue OR mileage to and from airport

-Round-trip shuttle between airport and venue


-Maximum of $80 per day is reimbursable

-When conference provides a meal, you may not be reimbursed for that meal

-When conference provides a partial day of meals, the breakdown of meal maximum reimbursement for meals not provided is as follows:

-Breakfast: $18

-Lunch $22

-Dinner $40

-Other travel charges, like bridge tolls

-$6 per day maximum in portage (tips for luggage handling, housekeeping, etc.)

* any pre-payments made shall be returned/paid back to VTA if the member does not attend the conference

If you go to a CTA conference and need reimbursement for hotels and food, you will need this form

If you go to a short CTA conference and need reimbursements, you will need this form

If you’re traveling somewhere on VTA business and need only reimbursement for mileage, click here – short form

California Supreme Court: Personal Emails and Texts May be subject to PRA Requests

(Please click on the pics if you can’t read them on your device)

California is #RedForEd!

More than 28,000 thousand Los Angeles educators are on the STRIKE line todayto demand a quality public education for every student. 60,000 joined a rally in downtown Los Angeles today in support. Oakland educators marched the streets this weekend with community allies for public education. Countless educators joined Walk-ins last Fridaysending tidal waves of #RedForEd solidarity both online and offline. Every time you take action, our students’ futures get brighter. You rock!  

CTA President Eric Heins was on the ground in Los Angeles today. Here’s what he had to say about his time spent with UTLA educators: 

“The energy was electrifying even in the downpour, and the vibe screamed commitment to each and every one of L.A’s students. Cold, wet hair, soggy clothing and drenched shoes and socks was pretty much the look today and it was donned proudly for the sake of the kids.

Every single educator walking the line today is a hero. Onward to Day Two!”

Let’s keep up this incredible momentum! 

Take Action: Send a message of solidarity to educators in LA and Oakland putting it all on the line for public education. Share the petition and other messages of solidarity with friends and family on social media and email. We have shareable graphics and ideas for social media posts in our Digital Toolkit. Be sure to use the hashtag #RedForEd on every post.If you’re in the Los Angeles area, join educators on the strike line. Check out UTLA’s website for more details on locations and strike actions. Not in the area? Follow UTLA on Facebook to join their strike line…virtually!This movement for our students is stronger than ever. What happens next will have a lasting impact on public education nationwide. Onward to quality public education for all. We can do this together!

In unity, 

Your CTA Communications Team 

Rally tomorrow in Oakland!

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