Take Action: Send a Message of Support to Sacramento Educators

Sacramento Educators want the best learning conditions possible for their students, and they’re willing to strike to make that happen

Show your support by going to the “Sign-on to support SCTA” page – and share “SCTA, we have your back!”  on your social media channels using the hashtag #SCTAGotYourBack or #SCTA4Students.

Must-read: Is Sacramento the Next Big Fight in #RedForEd Wave? California Educator

#RedForEd Shout-Outs & News 

  • Dublin Teachers Vote to Authorize a Strike, California Educator
  • Teachers shouldn’t have to beg in über-rich California, San Jose Mercury
  • Santa Ana Educators Offer Free Community Screening of “Backpack full of cash” California Educator
  • Madera Teachers Hope to Strike a Deal to Prevent a Strike, California Educator
  • Santa Rosa High School Counselor Advocates for Her Students Says “My Union is Standing Up for Me!” California Educator
  • How a couple worked charter school regulations to make millions, LA Times
  • Must-Watch from NEA: Feed the Need, ESPs deserve a living wage!

??Don’t Forget to Order #RedForEd Gear  

California educators are painting the state RED for our students and for public education and we’re not slowing down. Need more red in your closet to wear to actions? Check out CTA’s online pop-up shop and stock up! We have union-made hoodies, hats, tees (including men’s and women’s sizes and v-necks), and more. 

Visit our Union-Made Red For Ed online store here.

Resources for Your Classroom

March 31 Deadline alert: CTA’s Institute for Teaching (IFT) grant applications must be submitted by March 31. All CTA members are eligible to apply for an Educator grant (up to $5,000) or an Impact grant (up to $20,000) for the 2019-2020 school year. Don’t miss out – learn more and apply on CTA’s IFT website ASAP

Great resource alert: Racial Justice goes beyond anti-racism. It’s not just the absence of discrimination and inequities, but also the presence of deliberate systems and supports to achieve and sustain racial equity. Check out NEA’s new Racial Justice in Education Resource Guide today to learn more.

Free Art Downloads for your classroom and home. Amplifier Art has beautiful posters available for download on their website here.

In light of recent, tragic news: 
Supporting Students in Wake of Parkland Survivor Suicides, California Educator

March Rep Council Meeting Minutes

Click here to read the minutes

Are You Retiring this Year?

If you are planning on retiring at the end of this school year, you can continue a portion of your current, active CTA-endorsed Life Insurance. To do so, you must maintain a CTA-NEA Retired Lifetime Membership and apply to continue your coverage within 120 days of your retirement. To learn more, call The Standard’s dedicated CTA Customer Service Department at 800.522.0406 (TTY), 7:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. MORE

NEA-RA Election Results for the Redwood Service Center Council

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