Sticky: Action Alert – SEIU and VTA standing stronger, together, for Vacaville’s Future!

The Vacaville Teachers Association, SEIU 1021- Vacaville, and our community allies (shout out to the Napa-Solano Central Labor Council for making this for us!) are proud to stand together and demand the best for all of Vacaville’s students.

For too many years, the Vacaville Unified School District hasn’t paid employees comparable salaries with our neighbors (check here to some specifics) and enough is enough because our working conditions are students learning conditions!

We have two asks of you:

First – please send a message to the board asking them to direct their management bargaining team to invest in students by investing in the people who work for the district. Click here:

If you prefer to email the board without going through the action network link, go here

Second – on June 3rd, before school, meet on the sidewalk (not on the school grounds), holding the sign your director/site rep/job steward will deliver to you. Be positive and take lots of pictures. Directions for what to do with the pictures will be on the backs on the signs. Once your duty day begins, as a united staff, walk in together and begin the duty day!

Salary comparisons 2018-2019

Click here to see the comparisons!

Pics from the Red for Ed Rally in Sacramento!

May Rep Council Meeting Minutes

Click here to download the minutes!

ONE of our 2019 WHO Award winners, outgoing VTA President, Tracy Begley

Bargaining update #13 and Tentative Agreements 6-8

Bargaining update #13

Tentative agreement #6 – salary placement

Tentative agreement #7 – co-teaching

Tentative agreement #8 – class size balance

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