Rep. Council Agenda – April 18th


  • Approval of the minutes
      1. March Rep Council Meeting Minutes
  • Approval of the agenda  
  • New and Continuing Business
  • President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  • Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley
      1. Budget Vs. Actual 2022/2023 
      2. April Written Report
      3. Site Funds
      4. 2023/2024 Proposed Budget
  • Bargaining Update: Brenda Hensley
  • Grievance Update: Lisa Cusi
  • State Council Report: Ariel Ray and Keri Tafuro
  • Standing Committee/Chair Reports
      1. Equity Team: Tricia Cowen 
      2. Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 
      3. New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris
      4. Labor Council: Corey Penrose 
      5. Action: Corey Penrose
      6. PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
      7. Special Ed: Cynthia Coble 
      8. Membership: Jax Stornetta 
  • Conference reports:


Your rights!

Tax Deductions for Educators

The California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) offers support for low-income, working Californians. You may be eligible for a CalEITC up to $3,417 for tax year 2022 as a working family or individual earning up to $30,000 per year. Learn how to qualify and apply here.

CalEITC might also enable you to qualify for the Young Child and Foster Youth tax credits. For the former, you may qualify for up to $1,083 cash back if you had a child under the age of 6 at the end of the tax year. Learn more here.

For Foster Youth tax credits, you may qualify for up to $1,083 cash back if you were in California foster care when age 13 or older. Learn more here.

In addition, a higher educator expense tax deduction means that some educators can deduct more for classroom supplies when they file their 2022 federal returns. Learn more here.

CTA & Calm Free Workshop

Save the date! CTA and Calm are hosting a free workshop on May 2 for Teachers Appreciation Day: “Bringing Self-Care to Life.”

Join us for an opportunity to connect, relax and learn how to prioritize and identify the value of self-care. We will brainstorm ideas of what self-care can look like as well as obstacles that may get in the way. Participants will create a personalized self-care plan.

  • Tues., May 2, 4:30-5:30 p.m. PT; register here.
If you haven’t redeemed your free Calm Premium subscription, we recommend you do so prior to the workshop:
  1. Log into to access the unique CTA Calm link;
  2. Follow the instructions on the CTA Member Benefits page;
  3. Your 10-digit CTA member ID is required (add leading zeros if your ID # is less than 10 digits);
  4. Download the Calm app and log into your new account.

Updates to Student Debt Relief

NEA has updated its website with current information on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, created to cancel the remaining balance of federal student debt for workers who provide 10 years of public service while making 120 monthly payments on their federal student loans.

While the Limited PSLF Waiver expired last year, PSLF is still here for educators and other public service workers. Check out NEA’s tools designed to help educators through the PSLF application process, and find more information about other student debt support programs, including the White House Student Debt Cancellation Plan. Visit

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