News, Resources (plus Freebies!), and Camaraderie for Educators

Online Panel for New Educators on Nov. 21, 2019: Tune in for this panel of early career educators who will share their tips, resources, and secrets to survive your first year in the classroom. Register today.

ICE Raids: What You Should Know.
 We love that this article features questions from educators throughout the country on an issue many of us are facing: 5 questions educators are asking about ICE raids and supporting immigrant youth, NEA EdJustice

Classroom resources (freebies galore):

2020 Candidate Recommendations Process has Begun

CTA has begun the 2020 candidate recommendation process. This week, the State Council of Education will vote to adopt incumbent candidate tiers, which will determine the process for all incumbent legislators seeking reelection. Click here for more information.

Due to the early March primary election, CTA has begun sending questionnaires to friendly incumbents and local interview teams have begun to meet in districts where there are contested or open seats. Friendly incumbents with satisfactory questionnaire responses and local interview teams candidate recommendations will be sent to the CTA October 24, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting for consideration. A list of those recommendations are at the link below. 

After incumbent candidate tiering is adopted by State Council, all candidates recommended by the Board will be referred to State Council for action. 

Click here to view the 2020 Candidate Recommendations.

Share Your Thoughts with the California Department of Education

Help Design the New Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG) program!

EWIG is a competitive grant program that provides funding through the 2022-23 school year to eligible grantees. The aim of the program is to organize and offer high-quality professional learning opportunities for teachers and paraeducators across the state in the following areas: 

  • Computer Science;
  • Positive school climate, including social-emotional learning, and restorative justice;
  • English Learner Roadmap,
  • Special Education; and
  • Ethnic Studies

By completing this survey, your input on the content and structure will help design the EWIG program. Please feel free to forward this link to any colleagues who may be interested. Survey closes on Oct. 25, 2019!

LCAP Redesign Survey

Thoughts on LCAP? The CDE has a new survey to give stakeholders the opportunity to share feedback on both the draft Local Control and Accountability Plan Template (LCAP) and draft LCAP Template instructions. The survey closes on Nov. 1, 2019. Feel free to forward to colleagues who may be interested, too. 

#RedForEd News & Highlights

– Sacramento City Unified School District superintendent deserves blame for budget mess, SacBee

??????-? SCTA is fighting for fiscal transparency and accountability at SCUSD. Join them and sign their petition today. 
– 10 alarming facts about teacher pay in the United States, Business Insider

#UnionStrong Updates

Our movement in the news: 

– The Complete History of the Famed Delano Grape Strike, Teen Vogue
– Chicago’s Teachers Are Making History. Again. The Nation

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