Note about the General Meeting from President Todd

Hey VTA members,

We’re going to have a general meeting to go over all the Tentative Agreement items including the final salary agreement before we vote on the new contract.

It’ll be on Wednesday, Dec 4th in the Will C Wood theatre at 4PM.  The bargaining team will be there to take questions and we’ll talk about all the pending contract language and money.

Hope you can make it.

Todd Blanset

VTA President

ScholarShare529 Helps Save for College

ScholarShare 529 allows families to save tax-free for qualified higher education expenses. They are encouraging families statewide to take advantage of this unique college savings incentive program before it ends on December 31, 2019.

Learn more here.

Special Opportunity for Newly Hired CTA Members

Whether you are a brand new CTA member starting your first job or a long-time member starting at a new district, you have a special opportunity to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability insurance and up to $200,000 in Life insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard) all without having to answer any health questions. To take advantage of this offer, apply within 180 days from starting your new job.

  • Protect your paycheck with Disability insurance. Your income is likely your greatest asset. Protect it with CTA-endorsed Disability insurance. Disability insurance is paid directly to you if you’re unable to work due to an injury, illness (including mental health disorders and substance abuse), pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Protect your loved ones with Life insurance. Life insurance coverage is central to a strong financial plan. It helps provide for your loved ones in the event of your passing when they may face expenses they couldn’t pay without your income. 

Enrolling is easy! Visit us at:

Resources for an SCF Victory

New must-read series highlights Schools and Communities First

Great for a read and a share with friends and family! Check out Capital and Main’s latest in their “United States of Inequality” series: When Big Money Votes, Wealth Gaps Widen.

New Infographic

This new resource helps show the impact of Schools and Communities First and it’s great for printing, too! Find more resources like this at

Shout-out to Amazing Educators

ICYMI: Pittsburg Teacher Uses Lizzo’s ‘Truth Hurts’ Song to Inspire, Teach Students

You love to see it! Check out this joyful clip of Dorothy Mallari performing a classroom-friendly version of Lizzo’s hit song alongside her elementary students. The viral video even got a shout-out from Lizzo herself <3 

American Education Week: November 18-22 
Celebrate incredible educators this week! Today is a great opportunity to celebrate Education Support Professionals at our schools. Use #WeLoveOurESPs on social media to give a shout-out to ESPs at your school. Learn more about other celebrations happening this week here

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