From the Equity Team – Inclusion Matters

Through inclusive policies and nurturing practices, teachers, counselors, and administrators have the power to build an educational environment that is truly welcoming to all students. 

The climate of a school has a direct impact on both how well students learn and how well they interact with their peers.  The Vacaville Teachers Association Equity Team has built and distributed a Multicultural Equity Calendar to help our members become aware of recognized months and days throughout the year our students and families celebrate (see attached).  December is Universal Human Rights Month.  

The Universal Month for Human Rights started in 1948 when the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  The best way we can celebrate Universal Human Rights Month is by working to find common ground with those around us who may not have the same background as we do.  

Click here to download the 2019-2020 Equity Calendar

2019-2020 Retirement Incentive Plan

UPDATE – Thinking of retirement?  Want to know what will happen to your status with California Casualty and/or The Standard?  Here are contacts for each:

California Casualty – 1-877-711-9653

The Standard 1-800-522-0406

VTA members,

Attached is a copy of the MOU on the Retirement Incentive the district is offering to employees who retire/resign this year. 

After winter break the district will be sending out individual estimates of amounts and a choice of payment options to everyone who is eligible.

This incentive is completely separate from your STRS.  It isn’t reported to STRS as income and it isn’t listed as part of your final year’s income.

You have to be at least 55 years old and have at least 10 years in the district to qualify for it.

The deadline for retiring/resigning is Feb. 14th (You will still work to the end of the year.)  So if you are considering taking advantage of this, start talking about it with STRS and with your financial advisers.

Todd Blanset

VTA President

Message from President Todd about a retirement incentive for this year.

Happy Friday VTA members.

Last night at the School Board approved a retirement incentive for this year.  It is 65% of your base salary, and you must have 10 years in the district and be at least 55 years old to qualify for it.  It will be paid out as an annuity over a selection of time periods (We’ll have more info on this next week). 

This is a major decision for some and we wanted to give you as much time as possible to have the necessary conversations with your family, your financial planners, and STRS. You have to announce your resignation by Feb. 14, 2020 and it will be effective at the end of the school year.  The District needs at least 30 sign-ups and if they don’t get enough, you don’t have to retire. We’ll have the full details and the MOU next week.

Todd Blanset, VTA President

Contract voting results

VTA Members

Thank you to everyone who voted on the tentative contract.  The results are:

367 – Yes

69 – No

84.2% Yes.

The Human Resources Dept. has said that the bulk of the retro pay will be on the paycheck at the end of January.  Other retros for Schedule K and timesheets will come later.

You can see the presentation summarizing the contract and the salary increases here

And you can see all the contract language changes here (they are listed as MOU’s).

A big thank you to the Elections Committee: Alyson Brauning, Tracy Begley, Steven Power, and Wayland Lee. They do a lot of work to make sure our elections run smoothly.

Todd Blanset

VTA President


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