#2020Mood: United for Our Students and Our Profession

It’s a new year with new opportunities to fight for the education our students deserve, improve public education, and strengthen our union! Below are some goals we’ve heard from fellow educators with some tips on how to achieve them. 

Goal 1: Historic win for our students with Schools & Communities First. 

In 2020 we have the chance to bring much needed funding to our schools and communities. It won’t be easy and it will take educators coming together across California to win for our students. Schools & Communities First will bring $12 billion to our classrooms and communities. Here’s how you can kickoff 2020 to help ensure this vital measure makes it to the ballot and passes on Election Day:

  • Spread the word! As an educator, your voice is critical in this fight. Think about how $12 billion has the power to transform our schools for our students. What would a fully funded classroom look like to you? Share your ideas on social media using the hashtag #SchoolsAndCommunitiesFirst! Film a video about it here. And stay tuned for details about our digital week of action the week of January 27. 
  • Help gather signatures to ensure Schools & Communities First gets on the November ballot. Reach out to your local chapter leader today to help. 

Goal 2: Provide quality education to every student.  

Students are at the heart of everything we do. The new issue of California Educator is full of ideas from fellow educators on how to provide exceptional learning experiences for our students. Here’s a few highlights: 

Interested in some in-person training and workshops? Be sure to register for CTA’s Good Teaching Conference! We will host one in both Northern California (Feb. 7-9) and Southern California (March 16-18) this year. 

Goal 3: Make time for self-care. 

With students to take care of and teach – on top of all life’s other commitments – we know It’s tough to put yourself first. But burn-out is real and it’s so important to take time to prioritize our own well-being, too. “Digital Detox” is always a great start! These podcasts are full of ideas, too and perfect for your morning commute: 

  • Self-Care for Educators, NEA
  • Compassion Fatigue with Dr. Jacquelyn Ollison, CDE

Educators and Unions in the News


-Opinion: My classroom’s latest equipment for school lockdowns — a poop bucket, LA Times
-How school districts manage teacher pay amid budget woes, San Diego Union Tribune
Thousands of Google’s cafeteria workers have unionized, Recode

Time is Running Out – Special Opportunity for Newly Hired CTA Members

CTA members starting their first job or long-time CTA members starting at a new district have a special opportunity to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability insurance and up to $200,000 in Life insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard) all without having to answer any health questions. To take advantage of this offer, apply within 180 days from starting their new job.

  • Protect your paycheck with Disability insurance. Your income is likely your greatest asset. Protect it with CTA-endorsed Disability insurance. Disability insurance is paid directly to you if you’re unable to work due to an injury, illness (including mental health disorders and substance abuse), pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Protect your loved ones with Life insurance. Life insurance coverage is central to a strong financial plan. It helps provide for your loved ones in the event of your passing when they may face expenses they couldn’t pay without your income.

Enrolling is easy! Visit us at: standard.com/cta/newhire.

Scholarships and Awards for CTA Members and Dependents

CTA offers educational scholarships, grants and awards to members and their dependents throughout the academic year. Check out some of the scholarships and awards with deadlines coming up below: 

2020 Human Rights Awards – deadline extended!

A variety of Human Rights Awards are given annually to CTA members, chapters, and service center councils to promote the development of programs for the advancement and protection of human and civil rights within the Association.

NEW Deadline: Monday, January 13, 2020. 

Learn more and apply today here.

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Program

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Program encourages ethnic minority students to become educators, school nurses, school counselors or school therapists and to promote professional growth for ethnic minority teachers and ESP members. 

Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2020 | Award Amount: up to $6,000. Apply and learn more here.  

Learn more about CTA Scholarships

Learn more about CTA Awards Programs 

Learn more about NEA Foundation Grants

Exec Board Agenda for January 7th, 2019

Click here to download the agenda!

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