February Rep Council Agenda

Rep council meeting agenda

From Alyson, our Equity Team Chair

I am always being asked for resources, so I thought I would provide a whole bunch in this month’s chair’s report.  Please share these with your colleagues – Alyson

  • Redwood Facebook Page                   
  • Vacaville Teachers Association webpage managed by Corey Penrose         www.Vacateachers.org
  • CTA Instructional Leadership Corps                           www.cta.org/ilc
  • CTA Instructional & Professional Development         www.cta.org/ipd
  • CTA Institute For Teaching                                         www.teacherdrivenchange.org
  • Local Control Funding Formula                                  https://www.cta.org/en/issues-and-Action/School-Funding/Local-Control-Funding-Formula.aspx
  • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Digital Library   https://sbdigitallibrary.org
  • California Department of Education Website – Curriculum Frameworks            http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/allfwks.asp
  • CAASPP Student Accessibility Resources and Test Settings Web page and CDE CA Student Assessment Accessibility Web page                                   http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/accesssupportitems.asp
  • Literacy websites;                                                       http://wordgen.serpmedia.org/
  •                                                                                     http://newsela.com
  •                                                                                     http://education.weebly.com
  •                                                                                     www.readingquest.org
  •                                                                                     www.docsteach.org
  •                                                                                     http://ell.stanford.edu/
  • Math websites;                                                           http://padlet.com
  •                                                                                     www.powtoon.com
  •                                                                                     https://getkahoot.com/.com
  • Blogging websites;                                                      kidblog.org
  •                                                                                     Edublogs.org
  •                                                                                     Education.weebly.com
  • LGBTQIA resources;                                                    glsen.org
  •                                                                                     gsanetwork.org
  •                                                                                     hcr.org
  •                                                                                     thetrevorproject.org  
  • Special Education websites;                                        www.pbisworld.com
  •                                                                                     www.pent.ca.gov
  •                                                                                     www.disabilityrightsca.org

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UPDATED 2019-2020 Salary Schedules!

Teacher’s Preliminary/Clear/Life Credentials Digital Education Specialist, Nurses, Librarians, Content Area Specialists  – Section A

Elem./Middle School Counselor, Program Specialist, Coordinators, Work Experience – Section C – Section C

Psychologists and Speech Language Pathologists – Section G

 Extra Duty Pay Schedule – Section K

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