How educators are coping

CTA and NEA are capturing how members are meeting the challenge to serve students and support each other during this unusual time. A few examples:

•    “We’re here for our students”
•    Educators take a stand against coronavirus racism
•    Educators move quickly to assist every student
•    Community colleges take action to help students
•    Educators go above and beyond

CTA webinar: Best Practices for Virtual Learning

Last week, CVEU member Nicole Piper led one of CTA’s most popular webinars, which is available to view here . The session focuses on how to create an engaging and impactful live virtual lesson, so you can maintain that crucial personal connection with your students during this unique time.

We talked to Piper about being a virtual educator and why she offered to share her knowledge with fellow members. Here’s what she had to say. 

COVID-19 resource center

Every day we’re adding to our clearinghouse of resources on COVID-19. We’ve got best practices for distance teaching and learning, useful links for members and retired members, social justice implications and other information. The latest additions include

  • helpful FAQs
  • guidance on Special Education
  • social media tips during COVID-19, and more

Join CTA’s COVID-19 share space

Tell us how you’re doing! Join the Facebook group CTA Teaching, Learning and Life During COVID-19 to connect with colleagues and share tips and experiences.

The group is 11,500+ strong and growing. Want a peek inside? Here are a few anecdotes from the group on how teachers and ESPs from around the state are coping, personally and professionally. 

“Each one of our actions affects those around us. Please take the necessary steps to become familiar with the preventative measures such as effective health and safety practices. We owe it to each other.”

Read CTA President E. Toby Boyd’s full quote, along with quotes from other leaders and data points on COVID-19’s impact on Californians and people in the rest of the country.

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