Rep Council Meeting Agenda for 4/21 at one pm

The meeting will be held over Zoom. Invites have already been sent to your work email. If you didn’t receive the details of the zoom invite, please contact Todd Blanset.

Approval of the minutes

Approval of the agenda 

President’s Report: Todd Blanset (10 mins)

Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley  (3 mins)

Bargaining: Brenda Hensley (5-10 mins)

Committee/Chair Reports

        -Equity Team: Alyson Brauning  (5 mins)

        -Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning (5 mins)

        -Labor Council: Corey Penrose

         -Action: Corey Penrose 

        -PAC: Corey Penrose & Mike Ensley (PAC treasurer)

CTA Webinar Trainings

Resources, conversations and backgrounds, oh my!

Find distance teaching strategies, lesson plans, FAQs and more at CTA’s COVID-19 Resource Center.   

Join the conversation and share with your peers in our new Facebook Group: CTA Teaching, Learning & Life During COVID-19.  

Brand your virtual Zoom classroom with these educator-themed backgrounds (see one of them above).  

COVID-19 and immigrant communities

A Q&A from NEA Ed Justice zeroes in on how the pandemic impacts significant immigration issues that affect students and educators. This includes such topics as DACA renewals and federal support of immigrant workers and their families. Get informed and access helpful resources here. And join the  Ed Justice League to help build power in your community. 

Urge Congress to think big

As a fourth coronavirus legislative package takes shape, NEA is urging Congress to address immediate needs like funding as well as long-festering problems ranging from the homework gap to student loan debt. Read NEA’s list of top priorities for students and educators along with a letter urging lawmakers to seize this moment to renew America’s promise of equal opportunity and justice for all. 

Take action!Email your members of Congress and tell them to do more to address the COVID-19 crisis now.

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