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Call to Action – COVID-19 Pandemic Budget Crisis

Our members of Congress need to hear from us! Congress needs to step up and do the right thing for our students and educators by allocating resources to state and local governments.

Specifically, Congress should provide $175 billion for the Education Stabilization Fund to distribute to states. We cannot afford a generation of students subject to underfunded classrooms due to this pandemic.


If Congress hears from enough educators, we can secure federal funding for public education. Contact your representative today!

Call 1-855-977-1770 and we will connect you directly to your member of Congress.

Be sure to tell your representative:

-Your name and where you live.

-Ask them to support providing at least $175 billion for the Education Stabilization Fund to distribute to states.

-Ask them to support at least $2 billion for the E-Rate program to promote internet equity.

Teacher Appreciation Week – May 4-8

News Release – Vacaville Teachers Donate $3,000 to Vacaville Resource Center to Help Struggling Families Cope During COVID-19 Pandemic

VACAVILLE – Vacaville Teachers Association (VTA) is donating $3,000 to the City of Vacaville Family Resource Center. 

VTA President Todd Blanset says union members requested a donation be made to the Vacaville FIRST Office, Family Resource Center. 

“In this time of great need, VTA members see Vacaville FIRST as a great resource to help families navigate tough times and right now, they need all the help they can get. If families can get the help and support they need, that helps our students. We’re happy that we are in a position to give to a deserving cause.” 

VTA members, who help their students during good times and bad, felt it was the right thing to do for families in the community.  “We appreciate all Vacaville FIRST does for our students’ and their families,” Blanset said. 

Vacaville FIRST works with families in crisis, providing basic needs assistance, parenting education, assistance with rent, utilities and food, domestic violence support groups, counseling services and other resources.

 In accepting the donation, Gloria Diaz, Clinical Services administrator, thanked the Vacaville union members and noted the donation “will help in a variety of ways. Many of our families are already low-income and too many have lost their jobs because of COVID-19. They are struggling with rent and utilities,” she said. “When families are stressed, it’s more difficult for them to make appropriate decisions when there is nothing out there, we try to fill in that gap.”
The Vacaville Teachers Association is affiliated with the 310,000-member California Teachers Association and the 3-million-member National Education Association.

Important message from President Todd!

Kali Stern, a teacher at Vaca Pena Middle School suffered a horrible loss.  Her husband, David, passed away on April 25th at the age of only 30. This was very unexpected and leaves Kali and her young daughter Elizabeth completely devastated. The process that comes along with end of life can be very expensive. With the permission of Kali, Lindsey Hamilton at Vaca Pena set up a Go Fund Me to help offset any of the costs required at this time. If you can, please consider donating to this sweet family.

Thank you,
Todd Blanset

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