MOU about Suspension of Evaluation Timelines for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year

Vacaville Teachers Association member Eric Estes has been awarded a CTA LGBTQ+ Safety in Schools grant.

The California Teachers Association supports school programs and clubs that work toward providing safe LGBTQ+ inclusive and gender diverse schools. Estes won the grant for Willis Jepson’s Club Rainbow, which he co-advises with faculty and VTA members Wendy Brasher and Alyson Brauning.

“CTA’s LGBTQ+ Safety in Schools Grant will have a great impact on students at Jepson. Students at our school advocated for a brave and safe space to discuss issues around gender and orientation,” Estes said. “This grant will help Club Rainbow members continue programming that builds fellowship among our school’s LGBTQ+ and allied community.”

CTA funds several grants and scholarships benefiting students, educators, and school sites. Visit CTA’s new website this fall for more information on how to apply for a grant or scholarship: 

California Casualty – CTA’s approved vendor for Auto and Home Insurance

Call to Action – COVID-19 Pandemic Budget Crisis

Our members of Congress need to hear from us! Congress needs to step up and do the right thing for our students and educators by allocating resources to state and local governments.

Specifically, Congress should provide $175 billion for the Education Stabilization Fund to distribute to states. We cannot afford a generation of students subject to underfunded classrooms due to this pandemic.


If Congress hears from enough educators, we can secure federal funding for public education. Contact your representative today!

Call 1-855-977-1770 and we will connect you directly to your member of Congress.

Be sure to tell your representative:

-Your name and where you live.

-Ask them to support providing at least $175 billion for the Education Stabilization Fund to distribute to states.

-Ask them to support at least $2 billion for the E-Rate program to promote internet equity.

Teacher Appreciation Week – May 4-8

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