Exec. Board Agenda

Sept. 8th by Zoom

  1. Approval of the minutes 
  2. Approval of the agenda  
  3. President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  4. Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley  
  5. Bargaining: Brenda Hensley
  6. Grievance: Lisa Cusi

 7) Committee/Chair Reports

-Equity Team: Alyson Brauning  

-Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 

-Labor Council: Corey Penrose

-Action: Corey Penrose  

-PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer) 

-Special Ed: Open   

-Leave Bank: Christine Williams

– Membership: Tracy Begley

8) New and continuing business: 

9) Conference reports

10) Other: 

– Adjournment 

Rep Council Agenda for 9/1/20

Rep. Council Agenda

Sept. 1st, 2020 at 3:30PM by Zoom

  1. Approval of the minutes 
  2. Approval of the agenda  
  3. President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  4. Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley  
  5. Bargaining: Brenda Hensley
  6. Grievance: Lisa Cusi

 7) Committee/Chair Reports

-Equity Team: Alyson Brauning  

-Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 

-Labor Council: Corey Penrose

-Action: Corey Penrose  

-PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer) 

-Special Ed: Open   

-Leave Bank: Christine Williams

– Membership: Tracy Begley

8) New and continuing business: 

9) Conference reports

10) Other: – Adjournment

Message from Senator Bill Dodd about Wildfire Safety and Resources

Over the last three days California has experienced a historic heat wave and lightning siege that has resulted in more than 300 new fires.  In our district alone, we are currently responding to the continued threat of the LNU Lightning Complex Fire that has already burned more than 131,000 acres. Given the speed of these developments, it is important that we all keep a close eye on developments related to road closures, evacuations, and shelters locations, for our safety and the safety of our family friends and neighbors.

Please visit the Cal Fire website for the most up-to-date information on the LNU lightning Complex Fire. If the website is down, live updates are also available on both Cal Fire LNU Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Napa County Updates & Resources

For local updates on road closures, evacuations, Shelter locations, and a satellite perimeter map of the fire, please visit Napa County’s wildlife information page. If you haven’t already, please sign up for Nixle alerts.

An evacuation shelter has been set up at the Crosswalk Community Church. Pets may be evacuated to the Napa County Animal Shelter.

Solano County Updates & Resources:

For local updates on road closures, evacuations, Shelter locations, and an interactive map of the fire, please visit Solano County’s evacuation page. If you haven’t already, please sign up for Nixle alterts.

If you have questions related to the LNU Lightning Fire evacuation in Solano County, call (707) 784-1634 or (707) 784-1635. Pets and livestock may be evacuated to the Solano County Fairgrounds, and small animals may be evacuated to the Solano County Animal Shelter.

Residents who need emergency housing or have lost homes may also reach out to the American Red Cross 24 hour disaster dispatch help line at 1-866-272-2237.

Please stay vigilant and continue to monitor updates for your safety and that of your family and neighbors. If your street does receive an evacuation notice, please leave immediately.  

Thank you to the firefighters on the front lines working to protect our homes and communities.  I hope you and your loved ones stay safe during these challenging times.



Bill Dodd
Senator, 3rd District

Please read and help, if you can.

Good morning, all,

For those who do not know, Brenda Hensley tragically lost her home yesterday due to fire. She, her husband, Ron, and their cat, Merlin could use any help that you can provide. If you are new to Wood, Brenda is our Math Department Co-Chair, Math Co-Coach, VTA Treasurer, VTA Bargaining Chairperson, NEA Resolutions Committee Member, and CA Resolutions Secretary. She does amazing things for all of us everyday and now it’s our turn to return the favor.

If you’d like to help, Brenda has requested donations sent to her Venmo account, @Brenda-Hensley. She has also requested gift cards to Raley’s, Kohl’s, The Nugget, Petco, and Target. Virtual gift cards may be sent to the email address brenhen70@gmail.com. Brenda has asked that we not set up a GoFundMe at this time.

I have a small list of items that are more immediate needs. Please respond to this message if you’d like to purchase from that list so we avoid too many duplications.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide! Please share as you feel appropriate.

Brittany Wensky 
Will C. Wood High School

LNU LIGHTNING COMPLEX FIRE Evacuation Information from the Solano County Office of Emergency Services

Updated August 19, 2020 (updated @ 3:50 p.m.)

**This map will continue to be updated**

Legend (click on the top-right corner of the page): 
RED – Evacuation zone
PINK – Estimated fire extent 
YELLOW – Evacuation warning


About the #LNUComplex Fire
The Solano County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) has activated the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and has been monitoring the LNU Lightning Complex Fire that started last night, August 18 around 9 p.m.  Since the fire started, more than 46,225 acres have burned with zero (0) percent containment.

Follow us on Social Media / Sign up for Alert Solano
Solano County Sheriff’s Office on Facebook @SolanoSheriff
Solano County Office of Emergency Services on Facebook @SolanoOES
Register for Alert Solano, the County’s Emergency Notification System @AlertSolano

Mandatory Evacuations
Visit the INTERACTIVE MAP to determine if you and your family need to evacuate.  Yellow is an evacuation warning zone, Red means leave immediately. 

Reporting a Missing Person
If you are unable to get a hold of a loved one in Solano County, call (707) 784-1613 or (707) 784-1607
If you have questions related to the LNU Lightning Fire evacuation call (707) 784-1634 or (707) 784-1635

Preparing to Evacuate
There is a high potential threat to life and/or property. Those who require additional time to evacuate, and those with pets and livestock should leave now. You should prepare now by packing necessary items and preparing your family, pets, and vehicle for potential departure. Remember the 6- P’s:

  1. A plan for the persons in your family (including a meeting place.)
  2. Personal items (including toiletries, food and water for 2-3 days and special personal possessions.)
  3. Prescriptions- Have your full, current supply of prescriptions packed.
  4. Photographs (and other mementos) which cannot be replaced.
  5. Pets (Have a plan in place and pets secured so frightened pets don’t escape fenced yards or kennels.)
  6. Papers- Pack all important papers, including reference phone numbers, account numbers, etc. Now is the time to move persons with mobility or medical issues.

Evacuation Order
There is immediate threat to life. This is a lawful order to leave now. The area is lawfully closed to public access

Evacuation Sites

Vacaville Ice Rink, 551 Davis Street, Vacaville
McBride Senior Center, 91 Town Square Place, Vacaville
Ulatis Community Center, 1000 Ulatis Drive, Vacaville
Will C. Wood High School, 998 Marshall Road, Vacaville

Joseph Nelson Community Center, 611 Village Center Drive, Suisun
Lambrecht Sports Complex, Lambrecht Drive, Suisun
Old Walmart Parking Lot, 300 Chadbourne Road, Fairfield
Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, 2948 Rockville Road, Fairfield

Vallejo Fairgrounds, 900 Fairgrounds Drive, Vallejo (large animals OK)
Solano County Animal Shelter, 2510 Claybank Road (small animals only)

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