Reopening MOU Vote Results

VTA members,

The Red/Orange Tier Reopening MOU vote results are in:

348 voted to approve
202 voted not to approve

The Reopening MOU passes.
This is one of the highest vote turnouts we have had.  Thank you to everyone who voted.
The MOU is listed here if you would like to see it again.

Todd Blanset
VTA President

TheVacaville Teachers Association Equity Team would like to encourage members to try something new!

Please check out the Vacaville Teachers Association Equity Calendar – click here to download and print it!


A message from Kelly Welsh to the Vacaville Teachers Association.

Dear VTA members,

I am truly humbled and grateful that results show I have been chosen by voters to be a VUSD Board of Trustee. Thank you to the community and the Vacaville Teachers Association for your confidence in me to lead our schools forward in these challenging times for us all. Thank you so very much, I couldn’t have done this without your support and belief in me. I look forward to serving all of the Vacaville students, teachers and families.


Exec. Board Agenda – 11/3/20

Nov. 3rd, 2020 (Election day) by Zoom

  1. Approval of the minutes 
  2. Approval of the agenda  
  3. President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  4. Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley  
  5. Bargaining: Brenda Hensley
  6. Grievance: Lisa Cusi

 7) Committee/Chair Reports

-Equity Team: Alyson Brauning  

-Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 

-Labor Council: Corey Penrose

-Action: Corey Penrose  

-PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer) 

-Special Ed: Open   

-Leave Bank: Christine Williams

– Membership: Tracy Begley

8) New and continuing business: 

9) Conference reports

10) Other: 

– Adjournment

General Meeting Presentation and School Reopening MOU

Click here to download the reopening MOU!

Click here to download the presentation from the meeting

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