The CTA conference season started earlier this month and thousands of educators have already attended the first two CTA virtual conferences in December and more are coming in the new year.
CTA conferences have been repurposed and re-imagined for our current times with a commitment to deliver to our members what they need now to be successful in their work as educators, leaders and members of the community.
Best of all, these events are free to CTA members.
The 2021 Issues Conference – Home Edition ! kicks off January 14th with dozens of workshops and sessions especially designed for local leaders and members that want to make a difference in their school and community. This event brings together members and activists to learn, discuss, and strategize so that we can organize and increase our collective voice on the state and local issues that matter most in education.
The conference season will continue with the 2021 Good Teaching Conference – Elementary Home Edition ! This version of the CTA Good Teaching Conference will focus on Elementary Educators and all sessions will focus on helping Elementary educators be successful in all aspects of their professional and personal lives. Coming in March will be the CTA Good Teaching Middle and Secondary Home Edition! These conferences features dozes of sessions led by your peers and educational experts with real and relevant classroom experience.
Please continue to invite and encourage your members to attend and participate in these outstanding conferences. Remind them to use the email where they receive CTA communications for fast and easy registration.
Lastly, if your district offers additional compensation for university units, then this is a game changer for your local because CTA is providing free university credit through Cal State Chico for members attending these events. More details and information available here.