VTA Executive Board Agenda

Date:    1/9/24 Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm

  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting (LINK HERE)
  2. Approval of Agenda (with flexibility) of this meeting
  3. Shout Outs & Successes
  4. New and/or Continuing Business Items
  5. President’s Report: Brenda Hensley
    1. Safety Committee
    2. Other ideas for January Rep Council
  6. Treasurer’s Report: Ariel Ray
    1. Approval of Treasurer’s Financial Report (LINK HERE)
    2. Information only: Check Detail
  7. Bargaining Report: Megan Morris and Tracy Begley
  8. PAC Report: Corey Penrose and Jennifer Dickinson
    1. Approval of PAC Treasurer’s Financial Report (LINK HERE)
  9. Committee Information (in writing please)
    1. Grievance: Lisa Cusi (LINK HERE)
    2. New Educator: Rachel Bulris (LINK HERE)
    3. Membership Engagement: Alyson Brauning (Membership Engagement Plan for Sites.docx – Google Docs)  Plan for Directors & Site Reps.docx – Google Docs
      1. 2023 ME Site Visits – Google Sheets
      2. Lunch at sites ME.docx – Google Docs
      3. Membership Engagement Plan for Sites.docx – Google Docs
      4. Plan for Directors & Site Reps.docx – Google Docs
      5. 2023-2024 – Google Drive
    4. Equity: Tricia Cowen Equity Team 2023-2024 – Google Docs
    5. Action: Corey Penrose (LINK HERE)
    6. Labor Council Reps: Corey Penrose, Jennifer Dickinson, Alyson Brauning         (REPORT HERE)
    7. State Council: Keri Tafuro, Ariel Ray, Jennifer Dickinson (LINK HERE)
    8. Membership: Jax Stornetta (LINK HERE
    9. Elections: Aaron Stephens (LINK HERE)
    10. Sick Leave Bank: Julie McGee (LINK HERE)
    11. SPED Quarterly Meeting Committee: Becky Wylie (LINK HERE)
  10. Other?

Retirement Notification Incentive 23-24

Early Notification Notification

Certificated Employee Resignation Form


Rep Council Meeting Minutes 11/28/23

VTA Rep Council Meeting Minutes

Date:    Tuesday 11/28/23 Time: 3:30-5:30pm

WCW Library (middle of campus, to the right of the office)

3:30pm-4:00pm: Elementary Site Rep Networking and Problem Solving

  • Concern around plans for rainy day schedule
  • Questions around PLC and PD

Main Meeting: 4:00pm

  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting (LINK HERE) – Approved without objection
  2. Approval of Agenda (with flexibility) of this meeting – Approved without objection
  3. Writing of Postcards (instructions to follow)
  4. New and/or Continuing Business Items:
    1. Bylaws Compliance Review
      1. Bylaws were recently checked by CTA where suggestions were made to update to keep them in compliance
      2. Julie McGee made a motion to suspend the rules and vote on the new bylaws at this meeting; seconded by Mikayla Waugh
        1. 100% in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstain 
      3. Alyson Brauning made a motion to approve bylaws with the current changes; Michelle McGilvary seconded
        1. 100% in favor; 0 opposed; 0 abstain
    2. Organizing Safety Committee
      1. VTA would like to work together with SEIU to organize around school site safety (focusing on student behaviors)
      2. Would like to start in January – looking for a chair
      3. Sarah Houston made a motion to start an organizing safety committee; Seconded by Michele McGilvary – approved without objection
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Ariel Ray
    1. Approval of Treasurer’s Financial Report (LINK HERE) – approved without objection
  6. Bargaining Report: Megan Morris and Tracy Begley
    1. Hoping to get a TA on multiple topics in the near future
    2. Next bargaining is tomorrow with compensation as the first topic
  7. PAC Report (including Treasurer’s Report): Corey Penrose/Jennifer Dickinson (LINK HERE)
    1. Email signatures and signs are ready to be shared surrounding bargaining
    2. Discussion surrounding the proposed Kairos expansion
      1. Alyson Brauning made a motion to plan for packing the board meeting in opposition with a minimum of 50 people and flexibility to change the plan depending on attendance the day of; Jaxie Murray seconded the motion
        1. 100% in favor; 0 opposed; 0 abstained
    3. Amy Tran Russell campaign is ongoing; asking people to join a phone bank and to walk the neighborhood
      1. Use the link on the website to sign up to help
  8. President’s Report: Brenda Hensley
    1. Site Rep Resources: (LINK HERE)
      1. Grievance reporting should be documented on the Site Rep Resources page in order to track
      2. Rachel will fill in the 10 minute meeting slide
    2. Member Benefits Overview (For your reference)
    3. Rep Council in December is being replaced with a social event on 12/19 – location TBA; Please RSVP
  9. Committee Information (in writing please):
    1. Grievance: Lisa Cusi (LINK HERE)
    2. New Educator: Rachel Bulris (LINK HERE)
    3. Membership Engagement: Alyson Brauning
      1. 2023 ME Site Visits – Google Sheets
      2. Lunch at sites ME.docx – Google Docs
      3. Membership Engagement Plan for Sites.docx – Google Docs
      4. Plan for Directors & Site Reps.docx – Google Docs
    4. Equity: Tricia Cowen (LINK HERE) Equity Team is meeting November 29th
    5. Action: Corey Penrose (LINK HERE)
    6. Labor Council Reps: Corey Penrose, Jennifer Dickinson, Alyson Brauning (LINK HERE)
    7. State Council: Keri Tafuro, Ariel Ray, Jennifer Dickinson (LINK HERE)
    8. Membership: Jax Stornetta (LINK HERE)
    9. Elections: Aaron Stephens (LINK HERE)
    10. Sick Leave Bank: Julie McGee (LINK HERE)
    11. SPED Quarterly Meeting Committee: Becky Wylie (LINK HERE)
  10. Member Engagement Planning Time – POSTPONED to January meeting
  11. Raffle (must be present to win) 
  12. Meeting adjourned 5:30 PM

VTA Rep Council Agenda -11/28/23 – 3:30-5:30pm

VTA Rep Council Agenda
Date: Tuesday 11/28/23 Time: 3:30-5:30pm
WCW Library (middle of campus, to the right of the office)

3:30pm-4:00pm: Elementary Site Rep Networking and Problem Solving

Main Meeting: 4:00pm
1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting (LINK HERE)
2. Approval of Agenda (with flexibility) of this meeting
3. Writing of Postcards (instructions to follow)
4. New and/or Continuing Business Items:
a. Bylaws Compliance Review (motion to suspend the rules?)
b. Organizing Safety Committee
5. Treasurer’s Report: Ariel Ray
a. Approval of Treasurer’s Financial Report (LINK HERE)
6. Bargaining Report: Megan Morris and Tracy Begley
7. PAC Report (including Treasurer’s Report): Corey Penrose/Jennifer Dickinson (LINK HERE)
8. President’s Report: Brenda Hensley
a. Site Rep Resources: (LINK HERE)
b. Member Benefits Overview
9. Committee Information (in writing please):
a. Grievance: Lisa Cusi (LINK HERE)
b. New Educator: Rachel Bulris (LINK HERE)
c. Membership Engagement: Alyson Brauning
i. 2023 ME Site Visits – Google Sheets
ii. Lunch at sites ME.docx – Google Docs
iii. Membership Engagement Plan for Sites.docx – Google Docs
iv. Plan for Directors & Site Reps.docx – Google Docs
d. Equity: Tricia Cowen (LINK HERE)
e. Action: Corey Penrose (LINK HERE)
f. Labor Council Reps: Corey Penrose, Jennifer Dickinson, Alyson Brauning (LINK HERE)
g. State Council: Keri Tafuro, Ariel Ray, Jennifer Dickinson (LINK HERE)
h. Membership: Jax Stornetta (LINK HERE)
i. Elections: Aaron Stephens (LINK HERE)
j. Sick Leave Bank: Julie McGee (LINK HERE)
k. SPED Quarterly Meeting Committee: Becky Wylie (LINK HERE)
10. Member Engagement Planning Time
11. Raffle (must be present to win)

Rep Council Minutes – for your review and approval

VTA Rep Council Minutes Oct 17 2023

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