There’s only a few days left to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability and Life insurance.

A Swag Bag of Goodies is waiting for you at your mailbox!

We are very excited to announce Vacaville’s  New Member Orientation next Thursday March 11th at 3:30. This presentation is on CTA Member Benefits to give you a better understanding of what CTA offers its members.  A swag bag of goodies have been placed in all of Vacaville’s New Member’s mailboxes, so next time you’re at school remember to look for it.

New Member CTA Benefits Orientation
March 11 @ 3:30 p.m.
Join us for a virtual presentation brought to you by CTA Member Benefits.
This is a great opportunity for anyone but especially for new members to learn about all the valuable ways your CTA membership can help you find solutions to personal and financial needs.Presentation will cover:

  • Overview of the most popular member benefits
  • CTA Introductory Disability insurance for eligible new educators
  • CTA-endorsed Auto, Home and Renters insurance
Members who attend will also have a chance to win one of many eGift cards.
For a quick preview of all the benefits, download the Member Benefits Highlights Brochure.We hope to see you there!
Your CTA Member Benefits

Bargaining update #6

Attached is the bargaining update from today’s session.  It has the dates based on the expected return to red tier that the California Dept. of Health has established and our MOU for reopening from early in this school year.  It also has information about Secondary schedule discussions, although no decision was reached.

The Elementary MOU for reopening also passed this afternoon.  Thank you to all the teachers that voted and the Elections Committee for running the vote.  You can see the MOU on the VTA website and it was linked in earlier emails if you search “bargaining update.”

Todd Blanset

Bargaining update #6

Amendments to the Reopening for Red/Orange Tiers MOU – CHANGES TO ELEMENTARY

Reopening for Red/Orange Tiers MOU

Do you have disability insurance?

Did you know pregnancy and childbirth are covered disabling conditions? Learn more here:

Vacaville Teachers Association Multicultural Calendar

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