We have a new superintendent!

There will be a special School Board meeting this Thursday, April 11th, for the Board to approve the appointment of Kenneth Jacopetti as the new Superintendent for VUSD. It will be at the ESC on 401 Nut Tree Rd. at 6:00.

A reception will follow the meeting and members are welcome to come on down and meet the new Superintendent.

Vacaville Teachers Association Day of The Teacher!


Click on this post to see the flyer for the event!

day of the teacher

We will be taking nominations for the 2013-2015 VTA officer and director positions tonight!


Vice President


Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

VHS/CHS/Elm Director

WCW/BCS Director

Vaca Pena Director

Jepson Director

Elementary/ESC Director (5) positions

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please arrange for someone to nominate you, come and nominate yourself, or send a letter with your Site Rep to the meeting on April 9th. The meeting will be held at Chevy’s in Vacaville at 3:30. Below is the link to the VTA By Laws. Article VIII and IX have descriptions of the positions.

School board mixer is tonight at Chevys!

TONIGHT we will have a School Board mixer following the Rep Council meeting!

Please join us at Chevy’s in Vacaville from 5:15-7:00 P.M. on April 9th for an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, and discuss concerns with School Board members.

Here’s some pictures from past mixers:

mixer picture


mixer picture 2


We hope to see you there!

Rep Council Agenda for April 9th at CHEVYS!

Rep Council Agenda
April 9, 2013
*3:30 Chevy’s in Vacaville followed by School Board mixer

Site concerns: discussion and report

1) – Approval of the minutes

2) – Approval of the agenda

3) – Business
Elections nominations and voting timeline
Health care update (Brenda Hensley)
LGBT, Human Rights, Women’s Issues Committee (Alyson Brauning)

4) – President’s report (Moira McSweeney)

5) – Treasurer’s report (Brenda Hensley)

6) – Committee/Chair reports
– Action (Corey Penrose and Aja Cook)
-Bargaining (Brenda Hensley)
-Grievance (Sylvia Aquino)
-Human Rights (Alyson Brauning)
-Women’s Issues (Tricia Cowen)
-PAC (Dawn Kelly)
-Special Ed (Tammy Parker)
-Leave Bank (Ann Kubler)
– Membership (Julie Timmerman)

7) – Conference reports

8) – Other
9) – Raffle
10) – Adjournment

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