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Conferences, Trainings & Workshops


Similar to CTA’s work on the state level, NEA is calling for standardized tests to be canceled during the pandemic. “American students are still navigating the most difficult year of learning in modern history. The last thing they need is to be forced to take a stressful test that will not be an effective barometer of their needs and accomplishments,” says NEA’s open letter to the U.S. Dept. of Education and state governments. Add your name in support here.

#StopAsianHate Day of Action, March 26

You've Got This. We've Got This. We Are CTA.

Friday is a national day of action to raise our voices in support of Asian American Pacific Islander communities and racial and social justice. Find ways to participate – from sample social media posts to sharing relevant info with friends, family and colleagues – in this toolkit, which also contains useful facts and background.

Beyond March 26, we must open our arms, ears and minds to learn the history, hear the lived experience, and stand together as racial and social justice champions to help lead the change toward a safe, just and inclusive society. Read CTA’s statement condemning violence against AAPI communities and find resources here.

Election videos

All candidates were offered the opportunity to create a short video explaining their candidacy. The following are the videos that were submitted.

Dawn Kelly for President

Jordan Kieschnick for Vice-President

The views and opinions expressed are those of the candidate and not necessarily those of the unit, CTA, NEA, or any of its affiliates.

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