Is the Advice You’re Getting in Your Best Interests?

Anyone can call himself/herself an advisor, so make sure you are getting objective advice and not a sales pitch disguised as advice. Insurance company reps who come to your school may be thinking more about the commission they could earn by selling you an insurance product than about recommending the best savings vehicle for you.

If you are working with an advisor or thinking about doing so, ask him or her to put the answers to these questions in writing for you:

Are you acting in a fiduciary capacity (in other words, are you legally and ethically required to make a recommendation in my best interests)? If not, why not?
How are you paid? Will you be compensated for selling me this product? Please detail all fees and surrender charges associated with this product, including who receives them.
Why is this product the best choice for me?

Don’t be sold, be informed!

Learn more about making the most of your 403(b) or 457 plan at, first-place winner for ongoing education-public in Pension & Investment’s 2013 Eddy Awards.

The Oklahoma Education Association had set up this website to collect donations for tornado victims – please check it out.

Exec Board Agenda for 5/21/13

Click here for the a copy of the E-board agenda!


Exec Board Agenda

May 21, 2013

Cooper School library 3:30 P.M

*Special visit from John Niederkorn and possibly Ken Jacopetti – Time TBD

1)    – Approval of the minutes


2)    – Approval of the agenda


* Bargaining (Brenda Hensley)


3)    – President’s Report


4)    -Treasurer’s Report


5)    -Chair Reports


Action (Corey Penrose)

Human Rights (Alyson Brauning)

Women’s Issues (Tricia Cowen)

Grievance (Sylvia Aquino)

PAC ( Dawn Kelly)

Special Ed ( Tammy Parker)

Membership ( Julie Timmerman)

6)    –Business

-Reflect/Look ahead- discussion of past practice and future goals

– Meeting dates for 2013-14 discussion


7)  -Other

8)  -Adjournment

CTA Commends Governor for Providing Funding For Common Core Implementation

BURLINGAME – The following statement was released by California Teachers Association President Dean E. Vogel today in reaction to Gov. Jerry’s Brown’s May Revision of the 2013-14 state budget:

“We commend Governor Jerry Brown today for keeping public education a priority in his May revision of the state budget. Allocating $1 billion to help local school districts implement the Common Core State Standards is great and welcome news for California’s students. The money is much needed to provide training, professional development, textbooks and materials. The transition to the Common Core Standards will dramatically impact how teachers teach. Educators must have the support and resources they need in order for the new standards to be implemented effectively.

“CTA continues to support the goals of Gov. Brown’s proposed Local Control Funding Formula as we believe that every student is entitled to educational equality and appreciate the recognition that it costs more money to educate students with higher needs. We will review the proposed changes and will continue to work with the governor and legislators to ensure all concerns are addressed, including accountability, use of accurate data in determining funding levels and timing of implementation. We look forward to having many more discussions in the next few weeks as the state budget is finalized.”

VTA scholarship form – please fill one out!

Scholarship application form for the Vacaville Teachers Association

If you didn’t receive one of these in your mailbox, please fill it out and send it to payroll!


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