Did you know that VUSD board policy regarding students changing classroom assignment has changed?

Please read and review the updated language below?

Questions?  Share them in the comments!

Instruction       AR 6152(a)


The Governing Board believes the best way to achieve success in the classroom is through regular communication between the student, teacher, and parent. If there is a concern regarding a placement, the following procedures must be followed:

The Superintendent or designee requires the following steps be taken if and when issues between a student and his/her teacher arise:

1. Allow two weeks, at the start of the school year or grading period, for student to adjust to class.

2. Parent and/or student and teacher meet. Principals or counselors may facilitate this


3. Concerns should be communicated and explained.

4. Modifications should be explored.

5. A plan, including a timeline of at least three weeks, should be developed and implemented to resolve the concerns.

Exhibit 6152 outlines a plan for success. A copy of this plan, agreed upon by the parent and/or student and teacher, should be given to the student’s assigned administrator.

If an agreement cannot be reached or the plan implemented is not successful, a request for a class change should be directed to the site Principal. The class change may be honored provided subject level placement is available and the corresponding increase in enrollment in the receiving class is appropriate.

If and when a student is moved to another class, the receiving teacher will be given advanced notice, at least one school day, when possible to prepare for arrival of the new student.

The principal or designee may at any time make adjustments in class placement that he/she considers beneficial to the student or the educational program. However, if a change of student placement during the school year is being considered without the above steps being followed, a consultation with the Chief of Human Resources shall occur prior to the change.

CTA/NEA-Retired STRS Enrollment – please join!

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  •  Legal consultation for retirement related issues, benefits, substitute employment and other concerns
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  • Continuing Insurance Plans – Auto, Home, Life, Long Term Care & more
  • Home and personal loans and other financial services

Retiring now? You can join for only $4.50 per month deducted from your STRS Pension Check.
Use the form below to join. Already a member? Pass this along to a colleague

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Form for Non-PAC use of $1 monthly dues assessment

Click here to download the form

If you don’t want one dollar per month to go into the VTA-PAC fund, fill out this  form and send it Brenda Hensley, VTA Treasurer, by October 31,

Rep Council meeting agenda for August 27th

Rep Council Agenda August 27

Site rep elections!

Welcome back! I hope your school year has gotten off to a good start.

Over the next week, VTA directors will be facilitating elections for site reps to serve on this year’s Representative Council. It’s a great opportunity to get involved in your union and be a part of VTA’s policy making body. If you are interested in running for this position, please contact your site’s director (see list below). Attached is a Site Rep job description and list of 2013-14 meeting dates.

I look forward to working with you as we move forward into the 2013-14 school year.

Moira McSweeney

2013-14 Rep Council Meeting DatesSite Rep Job Description

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