Here’s bargaining update #8!

Bargaining update #8

Rep council meeting agenda for September 24th

Rep Council Agenda Sept. 24

November Endorsements from our Friends at the Napa-Solano Labor Council

Attached is the information on the 4 candidates (and 2 Travis USD) that the Napa-Solano Central Labor Council and Napa-Solano Building and Construction Trades Council have endorsed for the November 2013 election.

Please share this with your friends and neighbors and inform them of Labor’s endorsements prior to the absentee ballot mailing on October 7, 2013.

Endorsements 2013

Diane Ravitch is coming to Northern California!!!


Pictures from the new teacher mixer tonight!


Our lovely hosts, Sarah and Aja!



VTA members enjoying the evening!



VTA members enjoying a drink by the pool at the end of a rewarding day.




VTA President, Moira McSweeney, chatting with new members!



A good time was had by everyone!


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