Dear VTA Members,
Attached are some scenarios and estimates for 2014 heath care costs. Please remember, these are only estimates. Actual costs cannot be determined until after the open enrollment period is closed on October 11, then calculations can be made based on our members’ choices. We have provided this information so you can compare costs. You will of course also need to base your decision on personal health needs and preferences. This decision can be complicated, as there many options. Each individual and family situation is unique. This is a personal choice each member must make for him/herself.
You will see there is now a cost estimate for dental/vision coverage. The decision was made by Rep Council to calculate dental/vision and medical coverage costs separately, based on the percentage of the cap they represent.
Some important things to consider:
- All members should complete a Section 125 plan form through an Aflac rep in order to have premiums deducted pre-tax. Even members taking dental/vision only will need to do this for 2014. Aflac reps will be at sites throughout the next few weeks and also can schedule appointments at the ESC. Contact HR for more details.
- Members can switch to “in lieu of” for medical at any time with proof of other medical coverage. Members can also complete a form with HR to opt out of dental/vision coverage. However, there is no “in lieu of” for dental/vision.
- Members can pull dependents from their plans at any time.
- You can call/contact providers to check on availability of and shop for more affordable plans for dependents. You can also visit the website to see what is available and what you might qualify for through the Health Exchange.
Moira McSweeney