VTA members – ACTION ALERT #1

On Friday, our bargaining team will meet with the district and we need to show them that we’re standing together because the District is being less than forthcoming at the bargaining table and we’ve had no cost of living increase for the last five years

So we need for everyone to do the following:

First, we need you to wear your VTA shirt on Friday, October 18th.  If you don’t have one, a regular black shirt will do.




Second, on that shirt, put the VTA stickers we’ve sent to your school.  They look like this.

VTA image


We need you to wear both of these items all day long and keep an eye out for the bargaining update from that Friday’s session – it’s a critical time in the process and NOW is the time to make a statement about where we stand.

Add this to your calendars, brothers and sisters – wear your black t-shirts and VTA stickers this Friday, October 18th!

Voters will elect two people to serve on the TUSD Governing Board – Come to the Candidate Forum and meet the candidates!

If you live in the Travis School District, your vote is critical in selecting the next trustees to serve on the TUSD Governing Board.
Travis Teachers are looking to bring a fresh perspective to the TUSD Board and have endorsed Riitta DeAnda and John Dickerson. Both DeAnda and Dickerson understand the needs of our students and have promised to focus resources on improving learning and teaching conditions in our classrooms.
Come and see why teachers, parents, and working families support DeAnda and Dickerson by attending the Travis Unified Teachers Association-sponsored candidate forum.
Mark your calendar!
Date: October 15th
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00
Place: Foxboro School
600 Morning Glory Drive, Vacaville
The forum will be moderated by Solano County Superintendent, Jay Speck.
The candidates are: Riitta DeAnda—Small Business Owner
John Dickerson—Parent/IT Manager
Donna Bishop—Foster Parent (and incumbent)
This is the only issue before the voters, so it is essential that voters complete and mail in their absentee ballots OR vote at the polls on November 5th.
Please join the Travis Teachers in supporting Riitta DeAnda and John Dickerson!
If you have questions, please contact Travis President Jeanette Wylie at 707-761-9809

Bargaining update #10 is now available!

Bargaining update #10

Would you like to take an anti-bullying class with our brothers and sisters in Fairfield-Suisun Unified Teachers Association??


Send them an email at fsutaoffice@gmail.com if you’d like to sign up!

Medical update

Dear VTA Members,

Attached are some scenarios and estimates for 2014 heath care costs. Please remember, these are only estimates. Actual costs cannot be determined until after the open enrollment period is closed on October 11, then calculations can be made based on our members’ choices. We have provided this information so you can compare costs. You will of course also need to base your decision on personal health needs and preferences. This decision can be complicated, as there many options. Each individual and family situation is unique. This is a personal choice each member must make for him/herself.

You will see there is now a cost estimate for dental/vision coverage. The decision was made by Rep Council to calculate dental/vision and medical coverage costs separately, based on the percentage of the cap they represent.

Some important things to consider:

  • All members should complete a Section 125 plan form through an Aflac rep in order to have premiums deducted pre-tax. Even members taking dental/vision only will need to do this for 2014. Aflac reps will be at sites throughout the next few weeks and also can schedule appointments at the ESC. Contact HR for more details.
  • Members can switch to “in lieu of” for medical at any time with proof of other medical coverage. Members can also complete a form with HR to opt out of dental/vision coverage. However, there is no “in lieu of” for dental/vision.
  • Members can pull dependents from their plans at any time.
  • You can call/contact providers to check on availability of and shop for more affordable plans for dependents. You can also visit the www.coveredca.com website to see what is available and what you might qualify for through the Health Exchange.


Moira McSweeney


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