Contract update

The School Board voted unanimously last night to approve the tentative agreement ratified by members on November 1st. The terms of the agreement are attached and will go into effect immediately. The new contract and salary schedules are being worked on and will be posted on the website as soon as they are ready.


The retro base pay will be on the December pay warrant. Retro adjustments for extra duty/stipend pay earned since the beginning of the year will be on the January pay warrant. Attached is a formula to calculate your retro base pay developed by Brenda Hensley, our Bargaining Chair. To use an excel worksheet developed by Wood Rep DJ Bowen to make this calculation, click here.
Enjoy the holiday weekend!


Moira McSweeney


Rep council agenda for November 12th

Rep Council Agenda Nov. 12

CTA Scholarships and Grants

•GLBT Safety in Schools Grant and Scholarship Program – Application due November 20, 2013
• CTA César E. Chávez Memorial Education Awards Program – Applications and projects must be postmarked by January 10, 2014
• CTA Scholarship for Members – Up to five – $3,000 scholarships – Application due February 7, 2014
• CTA Scholarship for Dependent Children – Up to thirty-five – $5,000 scholarships – Application due February 7, 2014
• Del A. Weber Scholarship for Dependent Children Attending Continuation High School/Alternative Education Programs – One $5,000 scholarship – Application due February 7, 2014
• L. Gordon Bittle Memorial Scholarship for Student CTA (SCTA) – Up to three – $3,000 scholarships – Application due February 7, 2014
• Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship – Application due February 21, 2014
• NEA Grants & Awards – ongoing – see CTA website for more information

Applications and past winners may both be found at

Election update!

Membership voted to ratify the Tentative Agreement with 443 yes, 21 no votes. The agreement is subject to approval by the Solano County Office of Education and ratification by VUSD School Board, which will take place at the November 7th Board meeting.


  Many thanks to the Bargaining Team for all their hard work in the negotiations, the Site Reps and the Election Committee for running such a smooth election, and all of you who participated in the voting.

Moira McSweeney

Sex, drugs and rock n roll!

Attached is the flyer for two trainings being offered at the CTA office in Cordelia on November 14th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The first is Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll- Professional Rights and Responsibilities- presented by Adam Richards, an attorney for Rothschild, Wishek and Sands LLP. The second is Adult Bullying in the Workplace presented by Diana Fernandes-Lisi, CTA Staff Representative. These trainings are being hosted by the Vallejo Education Association.

If you are interested in attending either of these trainings, please contact Martha Hatcher at the VEA office by calling 707-745-3372 or emailing her at to RSVP.

Sex Drugs Rock n Roll Training 11-14-2014 color

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