Rep council Agenda for February 25th

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Thinking about Common Core?

Curious about the new Charter School in Vacaville?
Have thoughts about formative assessments?
Share them with one of our NEW School Board Trustees: Shelley Dally and Chris Flask!
Not interested in talking, but would like to listen to what other teachers think?
Come to VTA’s Mixer on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, from 5:15-7:15,
at the Courtyard Marriott in Vacaville (120 Nut Tree Way).

Need childcare for that time? Call Dawn Kelly @ 365-7287 to reserve a space.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

E-Board Agenda for February 11th.

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State Council Report from January

Overview/Things for you to do


  1. Vegara trial – attacking due process and seniority rights started Monday in Los Angeles.  Updates for the trial can be followed at
  2. Members should check the Smarter Balanced Assessment web site
  3. Read across America – will be starting soon.  For more information on how CTA will be involved, please visit
  4. Website updates – now uses google search analytics (which is a good thing) and the mobile site is up and running – please check it out on your cell phone.
  5. The CARS+ Convention will be held in Irvine this year. The dates are
  1. Members are encouraged to apply to serve on the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee at
  2. Organizing Academy – is scheduled for April 4th through the 6th.

February 28 through March 2,

  1. Members are encouraged to attend the 53rd Annual Conference of the California Council of Social Studies at the Sheraton Gateway on March 7 – 9, 2014. Registration information is available at and by clicking on annual conference.
  2. California School Psychologists Association (CASP), Josie Meza Malik;  shared that the CASP’s Spring Institute 2014 is scheduled for March 13 & 14, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara. Deadline for early registration is February 24, 2014. Ahead of the Curve: Autism, Mental Health and PBIS are the theme of this year’s spring event. Autism specialist Dr. Ivor Weiner has been added to the list of presenters. His six hour workshop will focus on “Addressing the Social Communication Challenges of Students with Autism”.

10. The NEA/RA delegate candidacy form is available online at  and in the December edition of the California Educator. Candidacy forms are due January 31st by 5:00 p.m

11. The draft ELA/ELD Curriculum Frameworks by grade level can be found at .  After reviewing the framework members should go to the Department of Education survey to provide comments. The survey can be accessed at

12. CTA/NEA Retired continues to advocate for changes in the Social Security Offsets (GPO and WEP.) Use the for legislative updates.

13. Websites to access retirement information include:

For the full report, please click below

State council report – January 2014

Spring Bowling Social – more information to follow….

Spring Bowling Social –  Free for teachers who have been teaching in VUSD for 2 to 5 years.

Where: Stars Recreation Center
When: March 13, 2014 3:30 – 5pm
Drink tickets – Food – Free Bowling and Door Prizes

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