Would you like to chat with our assemblyperson?

Join Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Oakley) for coffee and conversation on Saturday, March 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Joe’s Creekside Cafe in Vacaville.

Jim will be available to discuss current legislative issues and respond to your questions, ideas and concerns regarding state government. Coffee, juice and breakfast pastries will be provided.

Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014

Time: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Location: Joe’s Creekside Cafe
301 Main Street
Vacaville, CA 95688

To contact Assemblymember Jim Frazier please visit his website at http://www.asmdc.org/members/a11/ or call his District Offices at 707-399-3011 or 925-778-5790.

How do we create great public schools?

Figuring out how to create great schools for every child in Vacaville is one of my passions. It’s why I love teaching, and I am continually heartened to see that, even though politicians in Washington can’t agree on much, we, in Vacaville, get it.

• We understand that great public schools benefit the community

• We understand that great public schools require resources and effort.

• We understand that great public schools require collaboration with everyone in our community

Fortunately, to address these challenges, the recently approved Local Control Funding Formula gives our elected school board the freedom to decide where and how our taxpayer dollars will be spent to educate our children. Governor Brown, after signing the LCFF legislation, said “Equal treatment for children in unequal situations is not justice” and, as a result of this new law, we can continue to work together, in Vacaville, to educate all of our children.

We also understand that great schools involve collaboration and all of our shareholders working together, not selfishly pursuing a narrow agenda. Sadly, this is exactly what’s happening in Los Angeles because a group with special interests, that wants to push their education agenda on California schools, filed a lawsuit last year attacking educators’ professional rights.

Instead of working with teachers, or working with the state legislature to make schools better for all of our students, these special interests are trying to use the courts to strip teachers of their due process rights. This will not improve student learning, it will only make it harder to attract and retain quality teachers in our classrooms. It also ignores all the research that shows experience is a key factor in effective teaching.

Ultimately, great public schools benefit a community but, in order to create great public schools, a community must work together…and we understand this very well in our community.

-Moira McSweeney

Vacaville Teachers Association Health Care Committee agenda

Tuesday, March 18
1:30 – 3:00

Vacaville Teachers Association
Health Care Committee

Will C. Wood High School
Room S8
Second Floor of Science Building

Purpose: The role of the Vacaville Teachers Association Health Care Committee is to research and gather data to help VTA make informed decisions about health care benefits.

· Review from last meeting

· Kent Puddy Report
History/Comps/How rates are calculated/etc.

· Goals of the committee/Who will do what?
Glossary of Terms
Resources for our members
Summer Institute (who will go?)
Health Fair

· CTA Grant – work with VTA Secretary Cory Penrose

· Summer Institute – Health Care 101 Track
August 3-8 UCLA Conference Center
Registration opens in April

· Schedule next meeting

Alyson Brauning, VTA Vice President/Chair of Committee
Brenda Hensley, VTA Bargaining Chair/Treasurer
Kent Puddy
Lisa Aspey
Stacie Smith
Scott Bassett
Nancy Anderson-Louie

cc: Mark DeWeerdt, Moira McSweeney, Corey Penrose, Corey Lee

RSP caseload MOU

Click here to check it out!

From our friends at the American Cancer Society

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2014-Vacaville-Flyer-Invite.pdf”]

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