Happy day of the teacher!

More than any other profession, teachers shape our communities, just as they prepare our students for the future. That’s why the theme for this year’s 32nd annual Day of the Teacher is California Teachers: Inspiring our Students, Strengthening our Communities.

California’s teachers are in a leadership position both in our schools and communities and as we take on a stronger role in implementing the Local Control Funding Formula and Common Core State Standards, we must capture that momentum.

We highlight that leadership role in our new TV ad launching today. The ad features real teachers who urge members of our communities to “Ask a Teacher” when they have questions about their local schools and about education in California.

In addition, take a look at our Day of the Teacher video featuring CTA Vice President Eric Heins, Secretary-Treasurer Mikki Cichocki and me discussing the importance of California’s teachers and asking our communities to say thank you.

I’d like to be the first to join them in thanking you for the work you do in your schools each and every day. You inspire your students and you inspire me!

Have a great Day of the Teacher!

Dean E. Vogel
CTA President

Common Core Bargaining update #2

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CCbargupdate2.pdf”]

Budget update from CTA

The governor unveiled the May Revision to the state budget earlier today. We took a quick look at the details presented and are encouraged by his proposal so far. We are pleased to see the governor’s proposal seeks to improve living conditions for all Californians. Below are a few highlights:
·Provides funding to meet the Proposition 98 guarantee for K-14 schools
We all worked hard to pass Prop. 30 during the last election in order to prevent further cuts to students and other essential services and to help put our schools back on track. The proposed $60.9 billion in funding will help to fully implement the Local Control Funding Formula as it was intended while providing school districts and colleges with much-needed funding to provide a quality education to all students.
·A 30-year, equitable plan to address the CalSTRS unfunded liability
The proposal includes a first year contribution from all three parties totaling about $450 million, but would grow thereafter to more than $5 billion annually in 2020-21. The $74.4 billion CalSTRS shortfall did not happen overnight and it cannot be addressed overnight. It is going to take time, commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders—the state, districts and educators—so we appreciate the governor’s plan to fully fund the teachers’ retirement defined benefit plan within 30 years.
·Paying down debts and liabilities
The May Revision includes an additional $100 million to pay off all remaining deferrals to schools this year. We believe it’s imperative that the state continues to pay our students back after years of drastic budget cuts and this proposal includes increased funding for our schools and colleges.
·Health care for an additional 1.4 million Californians
The governor allocated another $1.2 billion so that 1.4 million more people will be covered through Medi-Cal. Healthcare for our students and their families translates into healthy students more apt and ready to learn while in our classrooms.
·Increased money for drought response
Provides an additional $142 million ($121 million General Fund) in drought-related expenditures to reflect necessary spending on firefighting, emergency response, water management, wildlife preservation and food assistance. Addressing the critical drought in our state ensures our communities are self-sustained and functioning at their full potential so that our students and their families have stable living conditions.
Read the media statement we distributed statewide following the announcement. Take a look at the budget memo prepared by Government Relations.
State Council will have an opportunity later this month to take a closer look at the proposals within the May Revision and will likely take formal positions on key issues.
Thank you,
Dean E. Vogel

Action alert!

VTA has done an analysis of the District LCAP draft #1 and compared elements of the plan to trends in high priority areas from our member survey. We found the plan does little or nothing to address:
  • Competitive Salaries
  • More Planning Time
  • Teacher-Driven Professional Development
The LCAP plan includes many new programs to be implemented without thought to additional planning time needed for members to implement these new programs. It also includes a lot of professional development without consulting members on what professional development they believe they need.
There is no mention of competitive salaries in the document we can find. Starting pay in Vacaville for the fall will be $41,218. Starting pay in Fairfield is about $47,000 and starting pay in Napa is about $49,000.

VTA members, we need you to give feedback on these issues ASAP!

To do so, please click on the links below.

English  –  http://goo.gl/xAipYW

Spanish  – http://goo.gl/qGZWgb

Your feedback will go directly to the superintendents office. Responses to LCAP comments will be posted on the district website.  The opportunity for comment on the LCAP draft #1 closes on Friday, May 9th, 2014, so please take a moment and share your thoughts!

If you need additional information, or ideas of what to say, please review either of these files.

Here’s the results of our member survey:

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Trends-in-High-Priority-Areas.pdf”]

Here’s the LCAP draft:

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/LCAP-Draft-.pdf”]

E-board agenda for May 6th

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Exec-Board-Agenda-May-6-docx.pdf”]

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