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May 30
Would you like to know who the most education friendly candidates are for your area?
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May 29
[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CCbargupdate3.pdf”]
May 19
Due to uneasiness in 14-15 enrollment numbers (including the enrollment loss due to the Kairos Charter School) and in the ending balance for 13-14, the District did not want to talk money increases until the fall.
To be better prepared for bargaining, the VTA Bargaining team agreed to open negotiations in August. Consequently, we will be using the 14-15 Salary Schedules in the contract (Appendix C, Sections A-K), which have the 1.5% one-time increase from 13-14 taken off. These can be found at:
When you click on the correct salary schedule, click on “13-14 and 14-15 Section _.” The salary schedule highlighted in blue is the 14-15 salary schedule.
Look at the salary for your next step. In many cases, the next step on the 14-15 schedule is LESS money than the previous step on the 13-14 salary schedule.
VTA has the survey data related to bargaining salary increases and other money items and will be using members’ priorities in crafting an initial proposal for the fall.
We wanted to make sure that you were aware that your July and August paychecks will, in many cases, be lower than your June check. We will be working to reverse that ASAP.