[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Rep-Council-Agenda-August-26.pdf”]
Aug 20
Pictures from the VTA VUSD canidate forum at Will C Wood High School
From the left:Shelly Dally, Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries, David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman and Shawn Windham.
From the left:Shelly Dally, Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries, David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman and Shawn Windham.
From the left:Shelly Dally, Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries, David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero.
From the left: David McCallum, Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman and Shawn Windham.
Chris Flask, Jeremy Jeffries and David McCallum, participating in the discussion
From the left: Deloris Roach, Judi Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Whit Whitman
Aug 14
Vacaville School Board candidate forum to be held on August 19th at Will C. Wood
Vacaville – In just over two months, residents of Vacaville will be asked to go to the polls and elect four trustees to the Vacaville Unified School District Board of Education.
If you haven’t kept up with who is running and what the issues are, Michele “Shelley” Dally, David McCallum, Horace “Whit” Whitman, Jeremy Jeffreys, Judith D. Ruggiero, Tracee Stacy, Deloris Roach, Christopher Flask and Shawn Windham are all expected to attend the candidate forum on August 19th, and make their argument as to why he or she is the best person to join the seven seat board.
Given that a majority of the board is up for grabs, the four people who are elected will have a major influence on the future of the Vacaville Unified School District, which serves just over 12,000 students and employs almost 1,000.
“Four out of seven is a majority,” said Moira McSweeney, Vacaville Teachers Association President. “These people can have a very large effect on the future of our schools and the future of our schools affects everyone in Vacaville.”
The forum will be on August 19th, in the Wildcat Theater at Will C Wood High School, which is located at 998 Marshall Rd.
It will be a two-hour forum starting at 6:00 pm and is sponsored by the Vacaville Teachers Association.
The election will be Tuesday, November 4th.
Aug 13
Invest in our success!
Bargaining will be starting VERY soon. Stay informed on all the issues and help support the bargaining team! 600 voices beats a handful any day!
The School Board race is underway! Help us choose endorsed candidates by attending the School Board Candidate Forum on August 19, 2014 at the Will C Wood theater at 6:00 pm. We NEED pro-public education and teacher-friendly candidates! Invest a bit of your time into the campaign.
Do you have non-school ties to our community? VTA wants to expand its community outreach and that begins with YOU! Invest a little time spreading our message!
Teacher-voice and teacher-driven change: YOU are the professional educator and YOUR VOICE MATTERS. At least half of your Wednesday collaboration days are to be member-driven. Drive the change you want to see in OUR district for OUR student
Are you aware that a bond initiative to upgrade VUSD schools will be on the November ballot? Keep an eye out for information and updates.
Would you like to keep up on everything happening in VTA? Please visit, and bookmark, www.vacateachers.org!
Get involved in your union. There are many opportunities to be a part of the important work done by VTA on behalf of our members. Sign up to participate and make a difference!
Aug 13