VTA Candidate Mixer at STARS

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our endorsed candidates and the newest VUSD trustee, Nolan Sullivan at the mixer on September 23 from 5:00-7:00 PM.

It will be at the STARS Recreation Center at 155 Browns Valley Parkway in the “Corner Pocket Room.”

Food and beverages will be provided.

Have you heard about VPEF’s Kimme Challenge?

The Vacaville Public Education Foundation, of which I am a part, is sponsoring the Kimme Challenge: I will match any donation to VPEF during the month of September, up to $10,000. Yes, I am crazy, but crazy about education. These donations go right into Vacaville classrooms with mini-grants. The more donations we get, the more grants we can support!

I would love to have your help and support!

thanks, Ernest

(checks can be mailed to VPEF, 401 Nut Tree Rd, Vacaville, CA 95687)

Feel free to resend this to anybody who cares about public education!


from the Reporter, 9/2/14

Every year, during September, the Vacaville Public Education Foundation sends out applications for Teacher Mini-Grants. Vacaville teachers have until the end of September to request up to $500 per teacher for anything that will enrich student learning. Our teachers are creative; they request money for a wide variety of activities.

Last year, VPEF funded Pioneer Day, at which students played games that children on wagon trains might have played, and ate typical wagon train food. Fairmont School used VPEF money to have Science Day. Students could choose from 20 different science activities. The Bilingual Program got a grant to have a Spanish Family Math Day. Families came with their students and played math games and activities.

Other teachers bought lab materials, including one teacher who got a genetics lab for her biology students. A shop teacher bought a piece of equipment that helped the wood shop students make picture frames for the art and photography classes. Some counselors purchased career development software, so students could make better decisions about their future.

Many teachers used the Mini-Grant money for buses. Students at Will C Wood visited colleges; for many of the students, this was their first visit ever to a college campus. Many of those students were inspired to apply for colleges. Their grades went up and they motivated other students to do better.

It’s never to early to plant the seed: Some elementary classes visited UC Davis, and attended a performance at the Mondavi Theater. Other classes visited museums, while some classes had the museums come to them.

How does VPEF pay for all this?

Because you generously donate to VPEF and Vacaville students.

VPEF funded over 30 grants last year, with $30,000 in donations. Sadly, we had 90 teachers who applied, many of whom were disappointed. Nobody wants that to happen again this year.

You can help. Today starts the Kimme Challenge: I, Ernest Kimme, retired teacher, will match all donations made in September to the Vacaville Public Education Foundation, up to $10,000.

I suppose I am crazy – about education. I believe that education is the key to improving ourselves and our world. At the very least, good schools create happy and successful students. And you can make an argument that good schools create good employees, which helps bring good companies to Vacaville. Genentech located here, because both UC Davis and Solano College are next door. Solano College took the extra step of designing a bio-technology curriculum. After two years of specialized study, those students are ready for good jobs at Genentech.

What would our world look like without public education? Look at Africa. Most countries in Africa do not have free public schools. Each semester, the students have to pay their school fees or leave. Many children cannot afford school. No wonder Africa has such a tough time building their economy.

Conversely, look at the effect of the GI Bill after World War Two. The number of college graduates in the United States more than doubled. Small wonder we became the country for technological innovation. Education is the spark that lights the bonfire which illuminates the bigger world around us.

So send a donation to VPEF during September. Your money will have a double impact on Vacaville students because I will match it. More donations means more min-grants. That means more students visiting colleges, more lab equipment, and more classroom technology – all because you cared to help.

Donations can be sent to VPEF, 401 Nut Tree Road, Vacaville 95688. For more information on the Vacaville Public Education Foundation, go to vpef.org.

Exec board meeting Agenda for September 9th

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Exec-Board-Agenda-Sept.-92014.pdf”]

Action alert – Mandatory Kindergarten Measure, AB 1444

TAKE ACTION: Call or fax Gov. Jerry Brown and urge him to sign AB 1444 (Buchanan/Weber) that would require completion of kindergarten as a prerequisite to first grade enrollment.

Call the governor’s office at 916-445-2841. Press 1 for English; press 4 to speak with a representative of the governor. Only calls made between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. will be answered. There is no message-recording device for leaving messages prior to 9:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. Support letters or brief notes should contain the bill number, your name and address. Fax letters and notes to the governor at 916-558-3160.

Key message: CTA believes in providing students with a quality education beginning the very moment they get to our schools. Mandatory kindergarten before first grade will help build the critical skills for student success.

CTA sponsored AB 1444 because kindergarten provides students with that much-needed, early learning that prepares them to succeed throughout their academic careers. Studies show students from lower socio-economic circumstances do better when they attend kindergarten.

Visit www.cta.org/mandatorykindergarten for more information.

Rep council meeting minutes from August 26th

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Rep-Council-Meeting-minutes-August-26.pdf”]

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