Get out the Vote – the final push to pass measure A

Hello brothers and sisters!

As the election draws closer and closer, we’re partnering with our friends and allies for a final Get Out the Vote Push – and we need your help!

  • Where – IBEW 1245 – 30 Orange Tree Cir, Vacaville, CA 95687
  • When – November 1st-4th at 9 am.

Come on out, folks, let’s get it done!

Rep Council Meeting Agenda for October 21st

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Congratulations to Ellen DiMichele, the winner of a flat screen TV!

Congratulations to VTA member, Ellen DiMichele!  She won a lovely flat-screen TV for taking a moment to fill out her CTA campagin 2014 pledge card.

Campaign 2014 is a very important one for educators because CTA’s recommended candidate for the Superintendent of Public Education is Tom Torlakson.  Tom is running against Marshall Tuck, a non-educator who is supported by billionaires because of his support for the corporate takeover of public schools, scapegoating of educators, and Arne Duncan’s high-stakes testing agenda.

If you’d like to participate in this raffle, which will award another TV every Friday between now and election day, and you’ve not filled out a pledge card, download this:

[gview file=””]

And give it to your site director.  A full list of your site directors can be found here:

Good luck, brothers and sisters!

What does VTA reimburse when you attend a NEA-CTA conference?

-Registration Fees for the conference (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*)

-Airfare (or mileage equivalent to economy airfare) for conferences far away (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*)

-Parking at venue and/or airport (if flying)

-Mileage to and from venue OR mileage to and from airport

-Round-trip shuttle between airport and venue

-Maximum of $80 per day is reimbursable
-When conference provides a meal, you may not be reimbursed for that meal
-When conference provides a partial day of meals, the breakdown of meal maximum reimbursement for meals not provided is as follows:
-Breakfast: $20
-Lunch $25
-Dinner $35

-Other travel charges, like bridge tolls

-$6 per day maximum in portage (tips for luggage handling, housekeeping, etc.)

* any pre-payments made shall be returned/paid back to VTA if the member does not attend the conference

CTA voter guide!

To create your own, customized, voter guide, simply click here.

Web space paid for by VTA-PAC ID# 1222549

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