2015 LCAP survey results

Hello brothers and sisters!  A while ago, you received this survey in your email and these were the directions:

The Vacaville Unified School District’s Local Accountability Plan (LCAP) is currently under review and revision for 2015-16. This survey will ask you to rate how effectively you feel VTA members’ top priorities from our 2014 survey have been implemented this year. It will also help to establish VTA members’ top three priorities for 2015-16.  Please indicate the level of progress you feel has been made this year toward achieving each of the twelve 2014 priorities. In addition, please identify what your top three priorities are for 2015-16. You can use priorities from the 2014 list or any others you may have.

2014 Priorities:

Competitive salaries

Adequate supplies

Smaller classes

Curriculum that is aligned to new standards

Access to technology for staff and students

More planning time

Meetings that are worth attending

Better working conditions/morale/working copy machines

High quality administrators

More Career Tech Education (CTE) at all levels

Follow through at District level on behavior and SARB

Teacher driven professional development (what and when)


  • No progress
  • Some progress
  • Significant progress
  • Don’t know


And here were your replies:

VTA 2015 LCAP Top 3 Priorites – Summary of Most Commonly Indicated Priorities (approx.. % of responses)


  • Priority 1-

Competitive Salary/Salary Increase – approx. 50%

Smaller Class Sizes-approx. 8%

Technology/Access to technology- approx. 7%


  • Priority 2-

Smaller Class Size- approx. 22%

Competitive Salary/Salary Increase-approx. 18%

Technology/Access to technology- approx. 14%

Increased Prep/Planning Time-approx. 11%


  • Priority 3

Technology – approx. 20%

Competitive Salary/Salary Increase -approx. 12%

Prep/Planning Time-approx. 10%

Smaller Class Size- approx. 9%

Curriculum/Curriculum Aligned with Common Core – approx. 7%

Here’s another breakdown of the specifics of your replies

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/VTA-LCAP-Survey-Data_All_150405.pdf”]

And here’s the complete list of every single reply.

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/VTA_2015_LCAP_Top_3_Priorities_edited.pdf”]



BBQ at May 11th at Solano Community College

California Community Colleges are the lifeblood for a community, providing residents the opportunity to improve their way of life, whether through training for a new career or by providing affordable, quality instruction to prepare students to transfer to four-year colleges. In California, Solano Community College stakeholders such as you can, through your input, help guide the college to more effectively meet community members’ career and educational goals.

With this in mind, Solano Community College unions (SCFA, CSEA and Local 39), along with the student association (ASSC), have formed an alliance to work together with the SCC District on issues that are a concern for our college and the community we serve. Issues already identified include–increasing enrollment and improving retention, expanding student support services that increase student success, among others. We are also interested in hearing about your priorities and concerns.

Our Alliance is reaching out to you, the community stakeholders: to assist us in shaping the future of our educational institution, to enable and assist us in empowering teaching and learning for quality education, and to create a cross divisional working culture to take advantage of the talents and skills of our entire community.

Please join us on May 11th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., on the Fairfield campus, for a Barbeque Rally to begin a dialog and discuss the issues.

Here’s the presentation from the general meeting on Tuesday and the Tentative Agreement #5

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/GeneralMeetingPresentation.pdf”]

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/1415TA5pdf.pdf”]

Elementary prep MOU

Elementary Prep MOU

Rep Council meeting agenda for April 28th

[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Rep-Council-Agenda-April-28-docx1.pdf”]

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