[gview file=”http://www.vacateachers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Rep-Council-Apr.-28.pdf”]
May 03
Come and celebrate our own Dean Vogel!
Where – Educational Services Center Board Room at 401 Nut Tree Drive in Vacaville, CA
When – Thursday, March 7th at 7:00 pm
May 02
Today the CTA and CFT…
… filed opening briefs for a legal appeal asking that Judge Rolf M. Treu’s misguided ruling in Vergara v. State of California be reversed in its entirety.
Stating that Judge Treu’s decision striking down five California Education Code provisions “is without support in law or fact,” the original notice of appeal says that Treu’s reversible errors are “too numerous to list.”
The brief filed today not only outlines the numerous legal errors in the ruling, but clearly shows that the laws in question provide great benefit to California students.
Take a look at the joint news release and also at the talking points to become familiar with the points made in the appeal. Stay connected and up to date.
A lot of activity is expected on Facebook and Twitter. Please chime in and let everyone know California’s educators care deeply about their students and will stand against anyone trying to strike down their educators’ rights which are also their rights.
Vergara Tweets and Facebook Posts
Please retweet posts from @CATeachersAssoc as well as tweet some of these message points below from your personal accounts.
Like lawsuit itself, #VergaraTrial ruling is flawed. Appealing so we can continue providing all students a quality education.
#VergaraTrial plaintiffs failed to produce a single example of a student harmed or likely to be harmed by #DueProcess laws.
From the beginning, #VergaraTrial lawsuit has highlighted the wrong problems, proposed the wrong solutions, and followed the wrong process.
Circumventing the legislative process to strip teachers of their due process rights will not improve student learning. #VergaraTrial
Teachers don’t have tenure—that’s a misnomer—and they certainly don’t have a job for life. #VergaraTrial
Teachers with more than 2 years of experience simply have the right to a hearing before being dismissed. #VergaraTrial
#DueProcess ensures administrators don’t fire teachers who speak out on issues like student safety or appropriate use of funds #VergaraTrial
#DueProcess makes the teaching and learning environment more stable. #VergaraTrial
Appealing because #VergaraTrial ruling would make it harder to attract, retain quality teachers, ignores research showing experience key factor in effective teaching
#VergaraTrial not about helping students, just another attempt by millionaires, corporate special interests to push their agenda on schools
#VergaraTrial testimony showed that experience enhances teacher effectiveness and increases student productivity at all grade levels
Prolonging probationary period would have the unintended effect of keeping ineffective new teachers in classrooms longer. #VergaraTrial
CA’s experience-based layoff system is fair, efficient way for districts to deal w layoffs due to budget cuts, declining enrollment #VergaraTrial
Apr 30
President: Moira McSweeney……………………………………..392
Vice President: Alyson Brauning……………………………………….390
Treasurer: Brenda Hensley…………………………………………389
Recording Secretary: Corey Penrose…………………………………………384
Corresponding Secretary: Samantha Maunder…………………………….383
Wood/Buckingham Director: Todd Blanset…………………………………….71
Vaca High / Country High Director: Sylvia Aquino ……………………………..36
Julie Timmerman-Rodrigues……………………………18
Vaca Pena Director: Karen Peters……………………………………………..19
Jepson Director: Tracy Begley…………………………………………….27
Elementary Site Directors:
Mike Ensley………………………………….186
Sharon Riehl…………………………………………….164
Sofia Feliz-Hatfield……………………………………..158
Tammy Parker……………………………………………154
Megan Morris…………………………………………….150
Sylvia Shepard…………………………………………….88