Rep Council meeting agenda for May 19th

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Tomorrow is the day of the teacher!

This is a bright day, a day dedicated to honoring the professionals at the helm of our classrooms, auditoriums, lunchrooms and school yards. A day in which we ask new teachers and veteran educators alike to take a bow. A day where we shine a spotlight where it is most deserved — on the folks who are the backbone of our entire public education system. A day at the end of the school year, when we all need a little reminder to look back at all we’ve accomplished.

This year’s theme is “California Teachers: Where School Innovation Begins!” Teachers are some of the most creative people I know. Who knows the countless ways to inspire learning and critical thinking? California teachers, that’s who!

So I ask you to join me in thanking a teacher! Even if you are a teacher, thank a teacher — and pay it forward!

Let’s take the time to say “Good job!” to each other. To celebrate the innovative work we do. And let your Facebook friends know it is California Day of the Teacher by using this cover image.

Thank you,

Dean E. Vogel
CTA President

P.S.: Do you have an innovative idea for your classroom or school, but need some resources? Apply for a grant from CTA’s Institute for Teaching.

State Council Election results from last week

Thanks to everyone who voted!

(Please ignore the results for DN-H-MEN-1 and SON-2, those were for elections in other parts of the state that were running at the same time as ours)







Paul Bressoud

Eureka TA



Jackie Carlson

Southern Humboldt TA



Alyson Brauning

Vacaville TA



Corey Penrose

Vacaville TA



Celia Lamantia

Assoc. of Sonoma Co. Office of Ed



Jade Matthews

Travis Unified TA



Stephanie Cobb

Fairfield-Suisun UTA



Vacaville’s own Dean Vogel, the president of the California Teachers Association…

Is retiring in June and he was in town last week  to receive a resolution from the VUSD board on May 7th recognizing his many years of service to public education in Vacaville and the state of California.

addressing the crowd















Dean addressing the board!

receiving the resulution















Ken Jacopetti, Dean Vogel and Whit Whitman reading and awarding Dean the board resolution.

Here’s the language of the resolution

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President Moira also delivered a great speech and, if you missed it, it’s really worth a read.

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Finally, if you’ve not already seen it, please check our The Reporter’s story on the board resolution, written by the three-time John Swett award recipient for his outstanding education coverage, Richard Bammer.  The full text of the story can be found here


Exec board meeting agenda for May 12th

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