This was a great event with an amazing turnout – it feels great to help our members become informed about their health care options.
Aug 27
Would you like to attend a conference? Would you like a scholarship to attend a conference?
The Redwood Service Council is pleased to announce that we will once again be offering scholarships for our members to attend conferences. In an effort to make that happen, we will be following the procedures outlined in this notification.
Aug 19
VTA and VUSD Health Fair
Vacaville Teachers Association and the Vacaville Unified School District Present
Health Fair
Thursday, September 3, 2015
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Willis Jepson Middle School Gym
580 Elder Street, Vacaville 95688
NO Registration Necessary
Please join us for an Open Enrollment Event.
The CalPERS Health Plan Partners will be available to answer your important questions and provide you with options for better health.
We look forward to seeing you!
In addition, there will be local vendors selling light refreshments.
Please contact Randy Henry, Chief Human Resource Officer with questions prior to the event @ 453-6108.