VTA Action Alert – Vacaville’s Teachers endorse John Jansen for board

Teachers and allies support retired Deputy Chief

To fill the Vacaville Unified School District School Board seat vacated by Jeremy Jeffries, the Vacaville Teachers Association has endorsed retired Vacaville Fire Department Deputy Chief John Jansen following an interview process on Monday.

Jansen, a 30-year Vacaville resident, has four children who graduated, or currently attend, public schools in Vacaville and also served on school site councils at Cooper Elementary School and Vaca Pena Middle School.

“I’m thrilled to receive the support from Vacaville’s teachers and their allies,” said Jansen. “This district has the potential to be the best in Solano County and I look forward to working with the board to help the Vacaville Unified School District achieve its full potential.”

Jansen is an instructor at Solano Community College and served on the Measure V oversight committee and the Measure A campaign. He has also donated hundreds of volunteer hours in various classrooms, school functions, and community outreach projects over the years.

“It is exciting to have so many highly qualified applicants interested in taking on this important job in our district. We are happy to endorse Mr. Jansen for the open seat,” said Moira McSweeney, President of the Vacaville Teachers Association. “We feel he brings a great combination of skills, knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to the position of VUSD trustee and we will be actively running a campaign to support him during the appointment process.”


To sign a petition supporting this appointment, please click here


If you’d prefer to email specific board members directly, here are their names and email addresses:

Whit Whitman – President – WhitWhitman@vacavilleusd.org

Shelley Dally – Vice President – SDally@vacavilleusd.org

Nolan Sullivan – Clerk – NSullivan@vacavilleusd.org

Sherie Mahlberg – SherieMahlberg@vacavilleusd.org

Michael Kitzes – MichaelKitzes@vacavilleusd.org

Shawn Windham – ShawnWindham@vacavilleusd.org

Board Members may be contacted  by postal mail:

VUSD Board of Education
401 Nut Tree Road
Vacaville, CA 95687

or by fax at (707) 453-7114.

A press advisory of our endorsement can be found here:

VTA Press Advisory

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