Coffee Club – April 13th

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Would you like to know more about your leave? Check this out!

The report from your CTA director, Jerry Eaton!

March 2016               Vol. No. 2              Issue No. 8
The CEHCPA is a 12-year extension of the increased income taxes in Prop. 30 for individuals who make over $250,000 a year, which would otherwise expire in 2018. It does not include an extension of the regressive sales tax increase that was part of the original initiative. Prop. 30 got us out of a cycle of layoffs and furlough days and brought hundreds of millions of dollars into LAUSD and school districts across the state.


The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS)  is a national alliance of parent, youth and community organizations and labor groups fighting for educational justice and equity in access to school resources and opportunities. Together, we represent all students, particularly those from low-income and working-class communities and neighborhoods of color.

If your chapter would like to participate in the May 4th Walk-Ins, please contact me as there are chapter leaders will to share in person or on the phone their experiences with the February 17th Walk-In.  There will also be a meeting at April State Council to discuss and answer questions regarding the May 4th Walk-In.

For more information about AROS and the “walk-ins” please use the following link AROS Resource Page

The Ethnic Minority Early Identification & Development program or EMEID for short, gives our ethnic minority members exposure to CTA leadership, State Council, Summer Institute, a full year of training and discovery.  Members can self-identify or be identified by others.  Applications close May 4, 2016.

Fact Finding results released March 28th are favorable to California Faculty Association.  Thus, if no tentative agreement is reached, members of the California Faculty Association will be on strike at campuses throughout the state April 13th-15th (Wednesday – Friday) and April 18th – 19th (Monday and Tuesday).

The Grassroots Lobbying Program is a local advocacy program in which members meet with legislators to work on education policy that supports California public schools.  Region 1 is still accepting applications to the program.  Please click on the following link Questionnaire Form ,download and fill in the questionnaire and then print it out.  Please send the completed questionnaire to Erica Kawasaki at 

Board/Action News

We heard reports on:

  • Children’s Education and Healthcare Protection Act 2016
  • Obama Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Gaarland
  • Representation Committee’s recommendation for new NEA Director

We took action to approve:

  • State Council NBI Referral Status Update
  • State Council NBI Disposition
  • Upper Lake Educators Association new charter #1463, combining North Shore Teachers Association chapter #229 and Upper Lake High School Teachers Association charter #1463
  • Upper Lake Educators Association bylaws
  • Recommendation to State Council that a new At-Large NEA Director position be created
  • New process for reporting out NBIs referred to the CTA Board of Directors

A Word From the Director

We need to reach back and remember the serious education funding shortfall created by the 2008 economic downturn, the dramatic cuts made to schools statewide and the loss of membership from 2008 to 2012.  Let’s also remember the effort put forth by the CTA membership in 2012 to pass Prop 30 and now we are faced with losing the valuable funding which it has provided.  You circulated petitions, walked precincts, called voters and participated in Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities statewide.  Now, we ask you to gather signatures on the petitions for the Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act of 2016 which will provide $8-11 billion per year starting in 2019 until 2030.

My challenge to every member in District A is to sign a petition and get one family member and one friend to sign as well.  If the 300,000 members of CTA were to complete this simple ask CTA would potentially have 900,000 signatures, well over its goal of 850.000.

Department Report Highlights

(Click on links for full report)

The Political Report contains highlights of the Democratic Convention with endorsement and positions taken, information on the CEHCP Act of 2016.  There is also information on CTA Sponsored legislation and a status update.

Favorable settlement reached in an EERA case alleging retaliatory transfer, CTA to appeal ALJ’s proposed decision dismissing retaliation complaint in Preach termination.  Court of Appeal heard oral arguments on Vergara v. State of California, CTA filed Amicus Brief in Anaheim Parent Trigger Case  We also heard a discussion regarding Obama’s new Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland.

Heard a report on the Region 1 Organizing Academy and the North/Central Political Academy.  Membership Engagement Training and Planning were held at the Cordelia RRC and King High School in Davis for chapters between Vallejo EA and Washington TA along the I-80 corridor.

Please read materials which are linked but not in the TIDD Summary Report. At Stanford on May 7 a session on Exploring Teacher Leadershipwill be held. See flyer for more information. The final QEIA report is included. Even if you don’t read the whole report, read the pages on lessons learned for some ideas for LCAP and what makes a good administrator if there are admin issues in your district. CTA’s work on Restorative Justice with the CA Endowment  is included as well. A report on best practices and update are well worth the read. Letter written to State Board of Education on CASPP RulemakingComprehensive K-12 Assessment System and LCFF Rule Making.

CTA’s current financial position is stable with a strong reserve.

District A Scholarships, Grants & Appointments


  • IFT strength-based, teachers-driven educator grants (up to $5,000) and impact grants (up to $20,000) apply at Institute for Teaching


  • Doreen McGuire-Grigg:  Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Gold Gala and White House Summit 

Calendar of Events

  • State Council, April 8-10, Los Angeles
  • Good Teaching Conference (North), April 15-17, San Jose
  • IFT Grant visit to Foxboro Elementary School in Vacaville at 1:30pm, April 20th
  • Golden Gate Service Center EMAC Academy, April 22-23, Burlingame
  • President’s Lobby Day, May 24th

CTA insider!

Victory! SCOTUS ruling favors CTA in Friedrichs case
On March 29, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision to leave in place a 40 year old common sense law that set a good precedent for working families. It’s a victory not just for unions and students here in California, but for workers and kids all across the nation. The decision – tied at 4-4 – affirms the lower court decision in favor or CTA. As the news rolls in, check out CTA President Eric C. Heins’ statement and video interview, and check the Friedrichs page on the CTA website for links to the CTA/NEA joint press release and the America Works Together statement.
Can parents opt out of state testing for their child? The answer is YES
As standardized testing is beginning in schools across California, many parents are reaching out to teachers with questions about these tests and asking if they can opt out of the testing for their child. California is one of handful of states that has a law allowing all parents to opt out of state-mandated standardized testing. At the same time there are also California regulations governing what educators can say to parents and families. CTA has put together a number of resources to help educators have these conversations. Check the Testing and Legal sections of the CTA website for additional information.
Signature gathering full speed ahead for CEHCP
It’s urgent that we qualify the Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act (CEHCP), which extends Proposition 30 for the wealthiest Californians and protects our students, schools and community members from more cuts. Prop. 30’s personal income tax rate increases on high-income earners, approved by voters in 2012, are set to expire at the end of calendar year 2018. This would leave a permanent gap in state General Fund revenues – an estimated $4.4 billion in 2018-19 and $7.7 billion in 2019-20, with annual revenue losses continuing indefinitely. To get this critical measure on the ballot, we need to collect thousands of signatures by mid-April. We need your help! Learn more here, talk to your local chapter president and please join in the crucial effort to qualify the CEHCP Act!
Your feedback wanted on HSEE and requirements for future graduates
Senate Bill (SB) 172 postpones the administration of the high school exit exam and removes it as a condition of receiving a diploma or condition of graduation from high school for each student completing grade twelve for the 2015–16, 2016–17, and 2017–18 school years. The California Department of Education (CDE) is gathering feedback from the community, as well as students, about the continuation of the high school exit exam and other alternatives to satisfy high school graduation requirements after 2017–18. A survey is posted on the CDE California High School Exit Examination Website. Be sure to complete the survey by April 15.
Social justice activists – We [heart] YOU!
Know a CTA member who engages educators, parents, and the community to advocate on social justice issues that impact the lives of students, fellow educators and the community? Nominate that person for a prestigious award courtesy of NEA! Application deadline is April 15. Neat tidbit about this award: Voting for the winner is OPEN TO US ALL!
Bolster your school project with an IFT Grant 
Have a project that will improve student achievement? Does your project address the needs of diverse or at-risk students? The CTA Institute for Teaching has established a competitive grant program for CTA members and chapters to support strength-based, teacher-driven reform for students and public schools. Competitive educator grants will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000. Competitive impact grants will be awarded in amounts up to $20,000. The grant application process is open to individual CTA members, small teams of educators and affiliated local chapters. Applications can be submitted online now through April 30.
May 4: National Day of Action to Reclaim Our Schools
Get involved! Ever heard of a “walk in”event? Well we’re having one on May 4 and YOU are encouraged to attend! This is a great opportunity for educators to unite with parents, students and community members to celebrate public education and support the quality public schools that all our students deserve. Shoulder to shoulder, nationwide, we’ll be participating in this day of action and “walking in” to school together. The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS), CTA, NEA and others are committed to making this a day to remember!
CTA’s goal: Leaders & staff representative of general population
CTA has a long-standing commitment to increasing ethnic minority leadership and staff. Check out CTA’s Ethnic Minority Early Identification & Development program. The Ethnic Minority Early ID and Development Program is a yearlong program of training and mentorship for ethnic minoritiesApplicationis due by May 6 and participants will be notified by May 27 if they have been selected.
Exploring Teacher Leadership: An Opportunity for Action
As California’s education landscape changes, the need for teacher leadership is more important than ever.   Exploring Teacher Leadership invites teachers and other educators to explore the WHAT around major education initiatives and WHY and HOW your ideas, creativity, and leadership can be applied to meet the challenges before us. Learn, network, explore leadership opportunities and advocate for the profession on May 7 at Stanford University. Keynote speakers are CTA President Eric Heins and noted education researcher and president of the Learning Policy Institute Linda Darling-Hammond. A $15 entrance fee includes lunch.
Congratulations to CTA’s Human Rights Award recipients 
Seven educators and two local associations have been granted CTA Human Rights Awards for 2016. The goal of the Awards Program is to promote the development of programs for the advancement and protection of human and civil rights within the Association. The Awards Program was adopted by the CTA State Council of Education in October 1984, and was subsequently augmented to include eight new categories of awards.
CTA’s Voter Guide helps with June Primary election
As June approaches, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and learn about the people who are running for local office. For our kids’ sake, it’s critical to elect local school board members who are friendly to California’s public schools, educators and students. Need help deciphering who to vote for in the upcoming Primary? Look no further: CTA’s voter guide can help you to elect the best candidates for our kids!
April is National Poetry Month
” Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both; and be one traveler, long I stood; and looked down one as far as I could….” Robert Frost isn’t the only poet we’ll be celebrating this month. April is National Poetry Month and you’re encouraged to share and enjoy poetry this month and year ’round.

Do you have questions about the Opt Out movement? Would you like to know what you can and can’t do? Here are the answers!

As Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson put out a news release announcing the start of SBAC testing today, many parents may be reaching out to teachers with questions about these tests and asking if they can opt out of the testing for their child.
The short answer is, “Yes!” California is one of a handful of states that legally allow parents to opt out of state-mandated standardized testing. California also has regulations governing what educators can say to parents and families. As CTA and local chapters are organizing around the importance of learning over testing, CTA has put together resources to help educators have these conversations.
First and foremost, know your rights as an educator. There is language in the California Code of Regulations that allows educators to inform parents of their right to opt out of state testing for their child, but prohibits them from soliciting or encouraging parents to do so. Be sure to read School Employees’ Rights Regarding Opting Out of Testing from the CTA Legal Department.
CTA has also developed a parent flyerYou Can Opt Out: Know Your Rights, and sample opt-out letter for parents. CTA members can distribute this flyer to parents to inform them of their rights around testing and opting out. As testing is an important issue to parents of English learners, this flyer will soon be available in multiple languages.
We all know that one test score does not define a student’s achievement and that these tests rarely take cultural differences into account when they are crafted. We also know that it’s time to put teachers back in charge of testing. This is a real opportunity for local chapters to build off of CTA’s strategic plan in leading the profession and engaging all communities to demand learning take precedence over testing.
Here are a few things local association leaders can do to support learning over testing.
  • Take an idea from the San Diego Education Association and have your local school board pass a resolution.
  • Share the NEA Petition to end high-stakes testing on your chapter website and social media. Share the petition with parents and community groups.
  • Consider making learning over testing part of your plans for the National Day of Action to reclaim our schools on May 4, 2016. You can use any of these materials.
  • Organize with parents and community members to ensure your Local Control Accountability Plan focuses on learning, not testing.
  • For more resources around testing and the Opt-Out movement, visit

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