Would you like to secure your retirement? Learn how on March 21st and April 11th! RSVP by March 14th!

Session 1: STRS, You and Your Future – Tuesday, March 21st

What you’ll learn:

This session will demystify the benefits of the CalSTRS retirement system. Information will be presented on the defined benefit (DB) plan (3 magic numbers), the defined benefit supplement (DBS) plan (hard cash in YOUR account), recent legislative changes, Medicare and Social Security will all be addressed. Do you have questions? Our experts have answers! This session provides important information and resources for planning for retirement at any stage of your career.


Session 2: Retirement Savings Made Easy – Tuesday, April 11th

What you’ll learn:

CTA Member Benefits will explain the importance of supplementing your pension benefits and provide an introduction to several basic retirement investment principles. The session will cover 403(b) and 457 plans, product offerings, and plan fee information. We’ll talk about how you can protect your interests when selecting investment advisors and products. We will distribute and discuss numerous CTA resources that have been designed to help you make important investment decisions.  The new CTA Retirement Savings Plan, which was designed with members’ interests in mind, will also be featured.

 To RSVP please visit


by Tuesday, March 14th.

If you didn’t see the news about salary increases this morning in your email….

Last evening the Board approved the settlements between the District and its bargaining units for a 2.5% across the board salary increase.  The increase is retroactive to July1, 2016.  Employees will receive both the retroactive payment and the ongoing salary increase on March 31, 2017 in the form of two checks. The ongoing increase will be included in your regular paycheck and a separate check will include the retroactive payment.

Thank you.

Deo Persaud

Associate Superintendent

February Rep Council Meeting Minutes

February Rep Council Meeting Minutes

Congratulations to our March member of the month, Holly Wudel!



Why did I become a teacher? To have the privilege of helping children learn and grow. I work hard to empower each and every student so that they feel they are valuable, important and that they matter. My hope is that by the time they leave me, and head off to Jr. High that they have the tools within them to be the change they wish to see in the world.

My favorite part about teaching are the connections made. Not just academic connections…although those are fabulous…but rather, connections of the heart.   It’s truly an honor to give students the one gift that no one can take away…knowledge.

In my free time, I enjoy being with my family, (Mark, Carly and Michael) as well as spending time at the beach.

Some fun facts about me: I’m a product of Vacaville Unified…I attended Alamo, Markham, Jepson, and graduated from high school in 1983. Over the past year, I’ve lost 95 pounds and feel like a new person!

Being a member of VTA means that I’m in good company. I appreciate the dedication of all of my colleagues around the district who are working hard in many capacities on behalf of our kids.

Vacaville High School January Tireless Teacher

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