Bolster your school project with an IFT Grant 

Have a project that will improve student achievement? Does your project address the needs of diverse or at-risk students? The CTA Institute for Teaching (IFT) has established a competitive grant program for CTA members and chapters to support strength-based, teacher-driven reform for students and public schools. Competitive educator grants will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000. Competitive impact grants will be awarded in amounts up to $20,000. The grant application process is open to individual CTA members, small teams of educators and affiliated local chapters. Applications can be submitted online now through April 30.

Top 10 from March 2017 CTA State Council


1.    President Heins on These Times
CTA President Eric Heins draws a comparison between Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities and the current political environment in our country, and encourages CTA members to work in union to make it the best of times. READ FULL SPEECH
2.    Show Your Support for April 4th
CCA set aside a day to say, “Thank You!” to the local communities they rely on for support and is inviting all educators to join in the action. CTA urges members to show their support by wearing blue on Educators United with Our Communities Day. LEARN MORE
3.    Take the Bilingual Teacher Survey…Por Favor!
We’ve got a teacher shortage—especially when it comes to bilingual teachers. CTA and Californians Together are working together to lead a policy agenda to tackle this issue. We need to hear from you to better address the existing shortage of bilingual teachers in the state. TAKE THE SURVEY
4.    Suffragettes and Rapping Execs…Mic drop!
Colleen Briner-Schmidt brought the history of women’s suffrage to life with a rousing call to action for modern day women and men to stand up for healthcare and par equality for girls and women. And CTA Executive Director Joe Nuñez honored Women’s History Month by sharing this video from Kid President and finishing off the rap CTA style. <<< Click here. It’s worth it.
5.    Planning May 1 Makes Perfect
A funny thing happened on the way into the planning forum…we ran out of 6,000 posters to celebrate diversity. At the May 1 CTA Statewide Day of Action forum, participants heard from three colleagues about how they are planning their Day of Action. Then participants brainstormed and reviewed the online resources. USE MAY 1 PLANNING RESOURCES | DOWNLOAD POSTERS | JOIN CTA DAY OF ACTION FACEBOOK GROUP
6.    Promoting the Pledge for Public Ed
Delegates attending the Day of Action forum left with materials to promoting the CTA Pledge for Public Ed back home. Retweet Jason…or take your own photo to promote.
7.    These Bills Were made for Watching
231 of them (to be exact) were reviewed, debated and voted on. More than 160 of those bills received a “support” or “oppose” position or made our “watch” list. View them all here. And follow them through the legislative session here.
8.    Teachers & ESP of the Year Were Here
Four Teachers of the Year and the CTA ESP of the Year were honored at State Council. Teachers of the Yearincluded Shaun Bunn, Isela Lieber, Corinne (Corrie) Traynor, and Jenny Chein Anderson, a STEM teacher who addressed the crowd. ESP of the Year Teri Roots also talked to Council about the importance of working hand in hand with ESPs. Check out some other rising ESP stars that attended the ESP Leadership Academy during Council.
9.    De León Comes Home
The Senate Pro Tem and former CTA employee, Kevin de Leon thanked members for all they do for the children of California and promised that California will hold firm on our values and protect the right of every child to a quality education.
10.    NEA was in the House
NEA Secretary-Treasurer Princess Moss addressed State Council and attended the Cesar Chavez celebration.

Take two minutes to send an email to your senators. Tell them to vote NO on Neil Gorsuch.

During Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing last week, multiple senators asked about Gorsuch’s cruel rulings against students with disabilities. They were horrified to hear that Gorsuch had ruled that these students are only entitled to slightly better than no education at all.
In reality, just more than the minimum means no education at all for most students with disabilities. Our students deserve better.

Now the momentum is on our side. More and more senators are saying they will vote against Gorsuch’s confirmation. Your senators need to hear from you again – click here to tell your senators to vote NO on Neil Gorsuch.

Cameron, a special education teacher from Gorsuch’s home state of Colorado, traveled to Washington, DC last week to meet with his senators and keep pushing this important message.

Watch what Cameron had to say:

Millions of educators and parents have been saying since this nomination was announced that Gorsuch is wrong for our students, and senators are getting the message: Gorsuch is wrong for our students, and wrong for the Supreme Court.

Take two minutes to send an email to your senators. Tell them to vote NO on Neil Gorsuch.

Alice O’Brien
NEA General Counsel


Here’s the March report from your board member, Jerry Eaton!

Click here to read the report.

Meeting minutes from the March 28th Rep Council Meeting

March 28 Rep Council Meeting Minutes

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