Vacaville Educational Supply Exchange

Do you have a classroom item that you no longer use? Are you a new teacher looking for free classroom supplies? This is the place for you! The Vacaville Educational Supply Exchange is a place for Vacaville teachers to give away and/or find classroom supplies. Come check it out this Facebook group!

Click here to access the exchange 

January Rep. Council Agenda

  • Approval of the minutes
      1. November Rep Council Meeting Minutes
  • Approval of the agenda  
  • New and Continuing Business
  1. Proposed bylaw change (Dawn Kelly)
  • President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  • Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley
      1. Budget Vs. Actual 2022/2023 
      2. January Written Report
      3. Site Funds
  • Bargaining Update: Brenda Hensley
  • Grievance Update: Lisa Cusi
  • State Council Report: Ariel Ray and Keri Tafuro
  • Standing Committee/Chair Reports
      1. Equity Team: Tricia Cowen 
      2. Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 
      3. New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris
      4. Labor Council: Corey Penrose 
      5. Action: Corey Penrose
      6. PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
      7. Special Ed: Cynthia Coble 
      8. Membership: Jax Stornetta 
  • Conference reports:
  • Other

Secondary Concerns 

100th day of school celebration – Jan 31st at Murillos!

November Rep Council Meeting Agenda

Rep. Council Agenda

November 29, 2022 

Will C. Wood Library

Meeting Attendance

Approval of the minutes

      1. October Rep Council Meeting Minutes
  • Approval of the agenda  
  • New and Continuing Business
  1. New Motions
  • President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  • Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley
      1. Budget Vs. Actual 2022/2023 
      2. November Written Report
      3. Site Funds
  • Bargaining Update: Brenda Hensley
  • Grievance Update: Lisa Cusi
  • State Council Report: Ariel Ray and Keri Tafuro
  • Standing Committee/Chair Reports
      1. Equity Team: Tricia Cowen 
      2. Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 
      3. New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris
      4. Labor Council: Corey Penrose 
      5. Action: Corey Penrose
      6. PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
      7. Special Ed: Cynthia Coble 
      8. Membership: Jax Stornetta 
  • Conference reports:
  • Other

Secondary Concerns 

October Rep Council Meeting Agenda

Rep. Council Agenda

October 25, 2022 

Will C. Wood Library

Meeting Attendance

Elementary Concerns: 3:30

  • Approval of the minutes
      1. September Rep Council Meeting Minutes
  • Approval of the agenda  
  • New and Continuing Business
  1. New Motions
  2. Exec Board Site Visits – Dawn Kelly
  • President’s Report: Todd Blanset
  • Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley
      1. Budget Vs. Actual 2022/2023 
      2. October Written Report
  • Bargaining Update: Brenda Hensley
  • Grievance Update: Lisa Cusi
  • State Council Report: Ariel Ray and Keri Tafuro
  • Standing Committee/Chair Reports
      1. Equity Team: Tricia Cowen 
      2. Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning 
      3. New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris
      4. Labor Council: Corey Penrose 
      5. Action: Corey Penrose
      6. PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
      7. Special Ed: Cynthia Coble 
      8. Membership: Jax Stornetta 
  • Conference reports:
  • Other

Secondary Concerns

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