Parent-Teacher Conference Tips for Teachers

  1. Be the expert, but listen to their concerns. Parents expect you to be adept at teaching, but they want to feel that you value their input too. Not focusing only on the child’s weaknesses, but also their strengths, can help parents feel like you know their child.
  2. Don’t start with the negative. Don’t begin the conversation with “I have no concerns” – that starts the exchange in deficit mode. Instead, start with a simple, plain language description of the three things you hope the students learns by being in your class.
  3. Put your goals into words. Giving a syllabus or written materials is great, but creating a narrative to discuss your goals for the class is better. Talk about what you hope to accomplish during the semester with some excitement.
  4. Provide feedback – both good and bad. Give them the feedback you need to provide, such as review of grades, assignments.  But if you feel it’s necessary to point out a deficit, then try to also point out a strength.
  5. Before they leave, ask a question. This is one of the most important ways a parent can see that you care about their child and are seeking to develop a positive relationship with them. Something such as “What do you think I should know about your son or daughter to help him or her succeed in my class?” works. Or something more specific, such as “Tell me about your child’s sparks”, or perhaps their strengths, struggles, or supports.
  6. Take notes on what you learn from the parent. Integrate what you learn from the parent into your interaction with the student and return to your notes at your next parent-teacher conference. Parents want to know their child is seen and cared for and that you are paying attention to the insights they are sharing with you about their child.

To California Teachers Association policyholders:

The Northern California firestorms have caused death, incredible damage and personal disruption for many families.  We regret this event is occurring, and we want to assure you that we are here for you during this critical time. 
If you have an auto, homeowner or renters policy with us and have:
1. Been forced to evacuate your home
2. Suffered smoke damage
3. Suffered other fire related damage
Please call us toll-free at 1-800-800-9410 so that we can assist you as quickly as possible.  When you call, press 4 when prompted or remain on the line for an operator and you will be transferred to a claims specialist who can assist you.
We are doing our very best to quickly take care of all of our customers affected by this tragedy.

Get More from Your Life Insurance with Life Services Toolkit

Life Services Toolkit is available at no additional cost to those insured under a group Life Insurance policy from the only CTA-endorsed carrier – The Standard. Some of the services available to the plan participants through the Life Services Toolkit: Estate Planning Assistance, Financial Planning, Health and Wellness Information, Identity Theft Prevention, and Funeral Arrangements.

In addition, the Toolkit includes services for your beneficiaries: Grief Support, Legal Services, Financial Assistance, Support Services (such as help with funeral or memorial services), and Online Resources.

To learn more visit: MORE

A Message From California Casualty’s Auto & Home Insurance

To CTA Policyholders…

The Butte, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma and other fires have already caused much damage and personal disruption for many families.  California Casualty deeply regrets these events are occurring, and California Casualty wants to assure you that they are here for you during this critical time.

If you have an auto, homeowner or renters policy with California Casualty and have:

1. Been forced to evacuate your home
2. Suffered smoke damage
3. Suffered other fire related damage

Please call California Casualty toll-free at 1-800-800-9410 so that they can assist you as quickly as possible.  When you call, press 4 when prompted or remain on the line for an operator and you will be transferred to a claims specialist who can assist you.

California Casualty is doing their very best to quickly take care of all of their customers affected by this tragedy.

Know Your Insurance

You also need to understand your insurance and know: if your homeowners policy includes replacement cost or actual cash value, whether you are covered for new additions, improvements or appliance and other upgrades, and that a floater or scheduled personal property endorsement is needed to fully cover high value items such as fine art, furs, jewelry, silverware and musical instruments.

And, without comprehensive coverage, your vehicle won’t be protected if it is damaged or destroyed by a flood, fire or falling tree limb.

California Casualty is also ready to give you a policy review to make sure that you have the protection you need. Failing to do so could leave you severely under-protected if your home were damaged by a raging fire or storm.  Call a California Casualty advisor today for the best protection with the discounts you deserve at 1.800.800.9410 or go to or

¹ Global Climate Change: Evidence. (2008, June 15). Retrieved January 14, 2015, from  MORE

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