Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – we honor you

Each year in January we commemorate the life of a tremendous leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birthday is the 15th of the month. In 1968, after the assassination of Dr. King, CTA and Student CTA (SCTA) established a living memorial in the form of a scholarship fund to aide members of ethnic minorities in preparing for teaching-related careers in public education. Learn more on our Scholarships page.

New to the profession? Check it out!

NEA Member Benefits has launched a new site just for the new member. Get first-year education resources, wellness resources, career resources — you can even enter a give-away and take a shot at winning an Apple Watch! New educators — check it out and enjoy!

January 2018 Educator of the month Jared Ropelato

  1. I always knew I wanted to work in the public sector and do something where I felt like I could make a difference and help people.  My mother was a nurse and I always considered her profession noble.  I became an educator because I had amazing educators when I was in high school.  I considered them amazing because they could put up with me AND teach me!
  1. I really enjoy working with students in an environment where they are comfortable enough to take a shot and be wrong.  We learn a lot from failure if we don’t let it shut us down.  I also enjoy the sense of community and family within the Wood campus.  There are little moments every day that make me thankful to be here.
  1. I have been in the district for 13 years.  I student taught at Wood as a student of Montana State in 2004.  I am fortunate to have worked here my entire career.
  1. In my spare time, what little there is with being Activities Director, I love to hike, hang out with my kiddos Jackson and Isabella, and photograph the natural landscape.
  1. It means that I know there are people who have my back and help me get through the tough times, like when I had my fall.  It also means I have a sense of obligation to be there when I’m needed.

Please take a moment to write a letter to the Solano County BOE opposing Elite

Click here to write a letter – it only takes a moment!

Reimbursement forms for 2018

Hello folks!

What does VTA reimburse when you attend a conference?

-Registration Fees for the conference (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*)

-Airfare (or mileage equivalent to economy airfare) for conferences far away (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*)

-Parking at venue and/or airport (if flying)

-Mileage to and from venue OR mileage to and from airport

-Round-trip shuttle between airport and venue


-Maximum of $80 per day is reimbursable

-When conference provides a meal, you may not be reimbursed for that meal

-When conference provides a partial day of meals, the breakdown of meal maximum reimbursement for meals not provided is as follows:

-Breakfast: $18

-Lunch $22

-Dinner $40

-Other travel charges, like bridge tolls

-$6 per day maximum in portage (tips for luggage handling, housekeeping, etc.)

* any pre-payments made shall be returned/paid back to VTA if the member does not attend the conference

If you go to a CTA conference and need reimbursement for hotels and food, you will need this form

If you go to a short CTA conference and need reimbursements, you will need this form

If you’re traveling somewhere on VTA business and need only reimbursement for mileage, click here – short form

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