Get involved and help promote the importance of school music programs! The National Association for Music in Education offers lessons for multiple grade levels that are
free to teachers to use and share.
Mar 02
March: Music in Our Schools Month
Mar 02
Read Across America!
Read Across America Day is Thursday, March 2. It’s a day to celebrate with your students and school community, with a focus on books and the written word, special guest readers and more.
Among those guest readers will be CTA officers and leaders around the state, including CTA President E. Toby Boyd. They’ll visit classrooms to meet students and read aloud books from CTA’s 2023 California Reads program: teacher-vetted, engaging books for all grade levels.
The California Reads page also offers past years’ selections and tips on how to make children better readers, available in eight languages. Members can find links to buy the books at a 20 percent discount.
And yes, reading and literacy are year-round activities! NEA offers a monthly calendar of recommended books, authors and teaching resources that promote diversity and inclusion at
Feb 28
Rep. Council Agenda February 28, 2022
Elementary Concerns: 3:30
- Approval of the minutes
- Approval of the agenda
- New and Continuing Business
- President’s Report: Todd Blanset
- Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley
- Bargaining Update: Brenda Hensley
- Grievance Update: Lisa Cusi
- State Council Report: Ariel Ray and Keri Tafuro
- Standing Committee/Chair Reports
- Equity Team: Tricia Cowen
- Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning
- New Teacher Support: Rachel Bulris
- Labor Council: Corey Penrose
- Action: Corey Penrose
- PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC treasurer)
- Special Ed: Cynthia Coble
- Membership: Jax Stornetta
- Conference reports:
- Other
Secondary Concerns